Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr91 checked with D/DPr74)

24.9.1565 (Monday 24 September 1565)

document 65500530

fine 3s4d 3a3r parcel of Barcrofte it is found by the homage that whereas at the court here holden on tuesday in the week of pentecost 26.5.2PhM one Edw Allen lying upon his death bed surrendered into the lord's hands by the hands of Lewice Jegon the bailiff in the presence of Jn Pennock Jn Culverton and Geo Bieston the lord's tenants the same witnessing one croft of land enclosed containing by estimation 3a3r of land parcel of the croft of land called Barcroft containing in the whole by estimation 6a of land and the said piece of land before surrendered lieth between the land of Robt Allen called     of the one part toward the west and the land of Lewice Jegon late parcel of the said croft called Barcroft toward the east one head thereof abutting upon the way called Barcroft Lane toward the south and the other head abutteth upon the garden of Wm Halden toward the north as by the meets and bounds etc to the use and behoof of Joan his wife during the whole term of her life the remainder thereof after her decease to one Robt Allen his son his heirs and assigns on condition of payment of divers sums of money as in the last will and testament of the said Edm Allen and the aforesaid court roll more at large appears and now to this court came the foresaid Robt Allen in his proper person and craved to be admitted to the remainder of the premises on condition aforesaid when it shall happen by and after the death of the aforesaid Joan and because it is so found by the homage therefore he is admitted the lord's tenant thereof to whom by the lord's steward there is seisin thereof delivered to hold to him his heirs and assigns in the form aforesaid by the rod by the rents and services therefore due and of right accustomed and he giveth fine and made fealty and so is admitted the lord's tenant