Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr91)

18.9.1589 (Thursday 18 September 1589)

document 66701444

it is found in the court with the leet of 29Eliz1 that Robt Crowe took by copy for term of his life of the grant of the lord one cottage or tenement customary lately builded upon the lord's waste and containing in it 20p and lieth beside Colne Park viz between the highway there towards the east and to the said park towards the west both heads thereof abutting upon the highway and the said Robt had the said cottage of the surrender of Robt Pudney and it is holden by fealty suit of court and the rent of 4d by the year and the same Robt being now required came here to this court and showed a copy thereof made by which he claimeth to hold the said cottage in manner and form as etc and he is discharged from the homage for this time