Earls Colne Manor Court Rolls (ERO D/DPr91)

18.9.1589 (Thursday 18 September 1589)

document 66702700

it appeareth in the court with the leet of the 28Eliz1 that Robt Partridge and Rose his wife late the wife of Geof Cuckoke hold to them and the heirs of the same Rose by copy as well of the surrender of the said Geof as afterward by the surrender of the said Robt and Rose one tenement and 26a of land 3a of pasture and 1r of meadow called Curdes holden by the yearly rent of 2s4d as by meets and bounds etc and also three crofts of land containing 15a whereof one is called Barmansfield another of them is called Rounces and the third is called Pellsland lying in Barmansfield by the yearly rent of     etc as by meets and bounds they are everywhere divided as appeareth in the court here holden in the 17.8.23Eliz1 and now it is found by the homage of this court that the same Robt and Rose the same Rose being alone examined by the said steward surrendered into the lord's hands by the hands of Thos Allen instead of the bailiff in the presence of Wm Bieston gentleman Jn Parker and Robt Pearetree customary tenants of this manor the same witnessing according to the custom of this manor all the premises with appurtenances to the intent that the lord by his steward aforesaid might regrant by the rod all the foresaid lands and tenements with appurtenances to the foresaid Robt Partridge and his heirs to hold by the services aforesaid by virtue of which surrender the lord was seised of the premises to the use aforesaid and he being so seised thereof by his steward aforesaid regranted all the foresaid premises with appurtenances to the foresaid Robt Partridge by the rod according to the custom of this manor to have to him and his heirs to hold of the lord by the rod to the will of the lord according to the custom of the manor and by fealty suit of court and rents customs and services aforesaid and also by other customs and services therefore before due and of right accustomed and for such his estate aforesaid thereof in form aforesaid to be had he made to the lord fine and fealty and so he is admitted tenant thereof