the joint and several rejoinders of Edw Rosse gentleman and Rose his wife to the replication of Ralph Lunt and Prudence his wife complainants the said defendants and every of them do aver maintain and prove the joint and several answers formerly put in this honourable court to the bill of complaint of the complainants and every matter and thing therein contained to be perfect just certain and true in manner and form as in and by the same are jointly and severally put forth and declared that the said replication is superfluous insufficient and incertain in the law to be rejoined unto for divers imperfections and contrarieties in the same expressed and that the said replication containing twenty six sheets of paper and no new or other matter therein contained than is in the complainants bill of complaint set forth and declared and in the answers of the said defendants expressed is done contrary to the order and rules of this court as these defendants are advised by their learned counsel in the law and of purpose maliciously to put these defendants to needless charge and expenses in the law of which t hese defendants hope and humbly pray that this honourable court will have due consideration and the rather because the same is so unnaturally committed and done by the said complainants Ralph Lunt and Prudence his wife being the natural daughter of the said defendant Rose her aged mother without that that any other matter or thing in the said replication contained and herein not sufficiently rejoined unto etc