ten that about a year agone the said complainant Prudence did in this deponent's hearing humbly desire the love and good will of her the said Rose and that she the said Rose would also be pleased to give her the said Prudence and her husband some recompense or consideration for her the said Prudence part in the lands late of Jeff Cuckoe her late father the said Prudence saying that if she the said Rose would give them the now complainants 100li for her the said Prudence part of the said Cuckoe's said lands and pay them 40li thereof in hand and the residue being 60li that time twelve months she the said Prudence and her husband would accept of the said 100li whereunto the said defendant Rose answered that she would not give the complainant any 100li for the said Prudence her part of the said lands but quoth she " I will give you 20li at two payments and some of the movable goods at Colne and I will give your brother other 20li at two payments " or words to that effect and this deponent saith that she then bidding the said complainant Prudence not to take the said Rose her own word for any money nor to make any agreement except her then husband Rosse would give his bond for the performance thereof the said Rose answered saying that never did any husband of hers give his bond for anything that she promised nor should do or words to that effect and more to this interrogatory or in this behalf this deponent saith she cannot materially depose Kath Cooke