twelve he doth likewise know that the said legacy being never paid unto the said
and the said
falling sick and like to die as she did and never receiving her said legacy did in her said last sickness time when she lay on her death bed truly and fully give her said legacy of 20li unto the complainant
being her natural sister and this deponent further saith that he understanding that the said
had so given her said legacy of 20li unto the said
and knowing the said
then to be of full age did move the said deponent
therein to make trial thereby whether she was willing to pay the same unto the said complainant
or not and upon the said motion the said defendant
not promising nor denying the payment thereof did only ask this deponent what he had to do with it and said no more but departed and this this deponent saith is the very truth but all that he can materially say or depose to this interrogatory or in this behalf to any other of the interrogatories he is not examined by the direction of the complainants
Jeff Cuckoe