to the right honourable sir Julius Ceasar knight chancellor of his majesties court of exchequer sir Lance Tanfield knight lord chief baron of the same court and the rest of the barons there humbly showeth unto your lordships your suppliant Chas Chiborne of Lincolns Inn in the county of Middx esq that whereas there is and ever since the dissolution of the priory of Colne in the county of Essex in the time of king Henry the eighth of famous memory there hath been due unto his majesty and his progenitors a yearly tenth of 60li or thereabouts received out of the possessions of the said priory upon the dissolution thereof of which (torn) in the 35Eliz1 divers arrearages amounting to the sum of 500li or thereabouts were enured and due and payable unto her majesty and the possessions of the said priory part of them being in the hands of divers persons who had severally purchased the same and part of them still remaining in the hands of the earl of Oxford to whose ancestor had the whole possession of the said priory were formerly granted by the said king Henry the eighth an order was made to this honourable court in the 36Eliz1 for the equal apportionment of the said arrearages then due and also of the said tenths for the time to come upon the several purchasers and owners of the said possessions according to a commission on that behalf formerly awarded and returned into this court and amongst others the parsonage of Messing in the county of Essex parcel of the said possessions was rated at 27li8s2d for part of the said arrearages then due and at 3li10s yearly for part of the said tenth for the time to come as by the said order appeareth which sum of 27li was duly paid by one Thos Cammocke gentleman then farmer of the said parsonage to the earl of Oxford to her majesties officers lawfully authorized to receive the same and an acquittance given to the said Thos Cammocke testifying the receipt thereof but so it is may it please your lordships that of late process hath been awarded out of his majesties court of exchequer for the levying of the said sum of 27li supposed to be yet unpaid and thereupon the said parsonage of Messing which your suppliant about 1Jas1 for valuable consideration of money did purchase of one Geo Maxey son and heir of Geo Maxie esq who purchased the same of the earl of Oxford about 40Eliz1 hath been seised and bond taken of your suppliant to his majesties use either to pay or discharge the said arrearages of 27li and the said acquittance being casually lost out of the possession of the said Thos Cammock and your suppliant not having the same to show is like to be charged with the said 27li contrary to equity wherefore your suppliant humbly prayeth that according to the statute made 33Hen8 for the relief of those of whom any debt shall be demanded in his majesties exchequer that your suppliant may have liberty to make proof of the payment of the said 27li and that upon due proof thereof your suppliant may be thereof discharged and that his majesties attorney may be called thereunto if it shall please him to allege anything in his majesties behalf why the petition of your suppliant in this behalf should not be granted Chiborne Weston Rich Bromley