Star Chamber (PRO STAC5/H31/15 Harlakenden v Ives)

1.6.29Eliz1 (Thursday 1 June 1587)

document 19000950

two whether do you know the gateway standing and being within part of the 380a of land from Westye Wood parcel of the park towards the Great Lodge and have you heard or known that any person or persons which have bought any wood or timber growing in the said Westye Wood or any part of the park have with cart or otherwise carried the wood or timber through the gate or way to any town or place out of the park at any time or times since the disparking of the park if you have what be their names and how often have you known any carriage of wood or timber that way and how long is it since you first know the said gate standing in the said place and is there any as near or more convenient for horse and cart leading from Westye Wood towards Coggeshall whether Read carried the wood and timber at the time you meant to stop him and denied him to pass that way that which way he went at last with much ado