Freehold Titles (ERO D/Q6/3/10 memo of surrender of Thos Paine to Edw Cressener of Michells)

16.1.1711 (Tuesday 16 January 1711)

document 32500348

Earls Colne 16.1.1711 memorandum that upon the day and year above written Thos Paine and Susan his wife customary tenants of the said manor did come before Solomon Grimston gentleman deputy steward of Jn Eldred esq chief steward of the said manor and the said Susan being first solely and secretly examined by the said deputy steward and consenting as the manner is did surrender by the rod into the hands of the lord of the said manor by the hands of the said deputy steward according to the custom of the said manor one barn and 30a of land more or less called Mitchells situate lying and being in Earls Colne and now or late in the tenure or occupation of Math Newman his assignee or assigns and holden of the said manor of copy of court roll and also all other the customary lands and tenements whatsoever of the said Thos Paine and Susan his wife or either of them holden of the said manor to the only proper use and behoof of Edw Cressener of the city of London tobacconist his heirs and assigns forever mark Thos Paine Susan Paine taken together with the examination of the above named Susan Paine the day and year above written by me S Grimston deputy steward