Earls Colne manor
memorandum that upon the day month and year above written
Rich Sillito
a customary tenant of the said manor did by the rod surrender into the hands of the lord of the said manor by the hands of
Isaac Potter
instead of the lord's bailiff and in the presence of
Jn Hatch
Jn Pratt
two customary tenants of the said manor the same witnessing as the custom is all that his customary messuage or tenement called
situate lying and being in Earls Colne aforesaid with the yards gardens and appurtenances as the same is and now in the possession of the said
Rich Sillito
Wm Bateman
and the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders thereof and all the estate right title interest claim and demand whatsoever of him the said
Rich Sillito
of unto and out of the herein before surrendered premises or any part thereof to the only proper use and behoof of
Jn Cressener
esq of Earls Colne in the said county and of his heirs and assigns forever upon condition that if the said
Rich Sillito
his heirs executors or administrators or any of them do and shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the above named
Jn Cressener
esq his executors administrators or assigns at his now dwelling house situate in Earls Colne abovesaid the full and just sum of 6li of good and lawful money of Great Brittaine with the interest on or upon the
then the above written surrender to be void or else remain in full force
Rich Sillito
Jn Hatch
Jn Pratt
Isaac Potter
in place of the bailiff