to all christian people to whom this present writing shall come
Rich Harlakenden
of Earls Colne in the county of Essex esq sendeth greeting know ye that the said
Rich Harlakenden
for and in consideration of 112li of lawful english money to him in hand paid by
Thos Harlakenden
of Earls Colne aforesaid gentleman at the ensealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof the said
Rich Harlakenden
doth acknowledge and thereof and every part thereof doth fully and clearly exonerate acquit and discharge the said
Thos Harlakenden
his heirs executors and administrators by these presents hath aliened enfeoffed and confirmed and by these presents doth alien enfeoff and confirm to the said
Thos Harlakenden
all those three freehold closes fields or parcels of meadow or pasture ground situate and being in Earls Colne aforesaid being part or heretofore reputed as part or parcel of a meadow called
Hall Meadow
in Earls Colne aforesaid and formerly planted with hops containing by estimation 5a more or less and now or late in the tenure or occupation of the said
Thos Harlakenden
lying between the said meadow called
Hall Meadow
towards the east and the lands now or late of
Edw Spooner
Robt Abbot
towards the west one head thereof abutting upon the close of ground called
the Pightle
leading into or unto the said meadow called
Hall Meadow
towards the north all which said three closes of meadow or pasture ground were formerly conveyed and assured or mentioned to be conveyed or assured to the said
Rich Harlakenden
and his heirs by
Thos Harlakenden
gentleman late father of the said
Thos Harlakenden
and by the said
Thos Harlakenden
the son or one of them in or by one indenture of feoffment executed by livery of seisin thereupon had bearing date the
and made between
Thos Harlakenden
the father and the said
Thos Harlakenden
the son on the one part and the said
Rich Harlakenden
on the other part upon certain conditions in the said nulld# indenture mentioned as by the same it doth and may more at large appear to have and to hold the said three closes fields or parcels of meadow or pasture ground with their appurtenances to the said
Thos Harlakenden
the son his heirs and assigns to the only use and behoof of the said
Thos Harlakenden
his heirs and assigns forever of the chief lord or lords the fee or fees of the premises by the rent and services heretofore due and accustomed in witness whereof the said
Rich Harlakenden
hath hereunto put his hand and seal the
Rich Harlakenden
sealed and delivered and quiet and peaceable seisin and possession taken and given of the within mentioned land by the within named
Rich Harlakenden
to the said
Thos Harlakenden
personally according to the tenor of these presents
Rich Harlakenden
Robt Browne
(may be Robt Browne)
Robt Johnson
Thos Lenton