Freehold Titles (ERO D/Q6ACC 6029/7)

14.5.1680 (Friday 14 May 1680)

document 32800232

a bill of the East India Company dated the 25.2.1676 for 1000li with interest of 5li percent wherein is yet owing from the 26.8.1679 unto the 13.5.1680 exclusive eight months fourteen days comes unto 35li4d 1035li4d one other bill of the same date for 600li wherein is also due eight months and a half interest 21li5s 621li5s more one other bill for 303li18s3d unto the 10.3.1680 303li11s7d paid in money 15.5.1680 39li8s5d 2000li memorandum what interest comes due from the 10.3.1680 unto the 12.5.1680 inclusive for the bill of 300li is to be accomplished for unto Edw Francklin