this indenture made the
etc between the right honourable
Edw de Veer
earl of Oxford lord great chamberlain of England vicount Bulbeck and lord of Badlesmere and Scales on the one part and
Jn Phynye
servant of the said earl on the other part witnesseth that the said earl for the good true and faithful service to him the said earl by the said
Jn Phynye
heretofore done as also for divers considerations him especially moving hath demised granted and farm letten and by these presents do demise grant and to farm let unto the said
Jn Phynye
all that tenement and garden plot thereunto belonging called
and one croft to the same tenement belonging called
Tylekill Croft
containing by estimation 3a be it more or less with al l and singular their appurtenances set lying and being in Earls Colne in the county of Essex now or late in the tenure of
Jn Barrett
or his assigns and also all that tenement and garden with the appurtenances called
now or late in the tenure or occupation of one
widow situate lying and being in Earls Colne aforesaid and also all that portion of tithe whatsoever arising growing and renewing in the parish of Halstede in the said county of Essex belonging reputed taken or known to belong and appertain to the late Pryorye of Colne also Earls Colne in the said county of Essex to have and to hold the said two tenements gardens crofts and tithes with all and singular their appurtenances unto the said
Jn Phynye
his executors and assigns from
michaelmas last past before the date hereof
unto the end and term of twenty and one years from thence next and immediately ensuing fully to be complete and ended yielding and paying therefore yearly during the said term to the said earl his heirs or assigns 3li1s8d of lawful money of England that is to say for the said tenement and garden called
6s8d for the said croft 11s for the said tenement and garden with appurtenances called
4s and for the said parcel of tithes 40s at two usual feasts or terms in the year that is to say at annunciation and michaelmas by even portions and if it happen the said yearly rents of 3li1s8d to be behind and unpaid in part or in all by the space of thirty days after any of the said feasts in which the same ought to be paid being lawfully demanded that then or at any after it shall and may be lawful to and for the said earl his heirs or assigns into such of the said premises by these presents demised as the rents thereof shall be behind and unpaid wholly to receive and have again retain repossess as in his or their former estate this indenture or any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding and the said
Jn Phynye
doth covenant and grant for himself his executors and assigns to and with the said earl his heirs and assigns that he the said
Jn Phynye
his executors and assigns shall and will at all times and from time to time at his or their own proper costs and charges sufficiently maintain and uphold the said demised premises and part and parcels thereof and at the end of the said term to leave and yield up the same in good and sufficient reparations in witness whereof aswell the said earl as the said
Jn Phynye
have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written sealed and delivered in the presence of us
Israel Amyce
Jn Bradley
Math Hubberd