Ministers Accounts: abstract from rolls concerning Colne Priory (PRO SC.6.Hen8/1001)

29Hen8 (Sunday 22 April 1537)

document 13000009

county of Essex (includes) Colne Priory all those tenths coming from the farm of the manor of Crepping viz during the time of this account nothing and the said manor was granted to Humph Wingfield knight his heirs and assigns forever by licence of the lord king in letters patent as in the account of the minister this year plainly appears and of 66s8d of Thos Eve farmer of Eythorp Roding from the revenues of the farm for this year by his account as examined by the accountant plainly appears and of 66s8d of Wm Richord farmer of a water mill of Boreflete from the revenues of the farm this year by his account examined by this accountant and plainly appears and of 20li received of Jn Shott farmer of the rectory of Edwardstone from the revenues of the farm this year as shown in the account of the said farmer for this year and examined by the accountant and plainly appears other of his gifts in this account in the time of this accountant received of the bailiff of the farmer of the lands occupied and of all the lands and possessions of the said late Priory nothing and now of the king Henry the eighth by letters patent granted and conceded for trust and kinship etc to Jn Vere knight late earl of Oxford and the heirs of his body legitimately procreated the whole site of the late Priory or monastery aforesaid and all the messuages houses buildings barns granges dove houses orchards gardens ponds vinerys lands late belonging to the said Priory also all and singular the houses manors lands tenements possessions and hereditaments either temporal or spiritual to the sum of 100li clear yearly value per annum as shown by certain letters patent contained in the account of 29Hen8 and the account of 56li received of Jn Vere knight late earl of Oxford for an annual rent for the tenth part of all his lands and premises thereon built and conceded by virtue of letters patent of the lord king and his heirs forever as appears in the account 29Hen8 sum 92li13s4d