first witness Simon Ive of Colne Engaine in the county of Essex gent where he had lived for six years or thereabouts witness etc he said and deposed as follows to the said testament and allegations he said and deposed that upon the day of the date of the said will exhibited this deponent at the request of the articulate Edw Prentice according to such instructions as he received from him wrote this will whereupon he is now examined and having finished the same he did read it over unto the said testator who hearing the contents thereof did like very well of it and in confirmation thereof did set his mark and seal to both the sheets of the said will and acknowledged it for his last will and testament in the presence of this deponent Jn Nicholl and Hen Mullins during all which time he the said testator was of perfect mind and memory and further he deposeth that the said testator did nominate and appoint Jn Allin of Wormingford his sole executor and lastly he deposeth that this will whereupon he is now examined is the very same will which was then sealed subscribed and acknowledged by the said testator as aforesaid for that it being showed unto him at the time of his examination he seeth it all written with his own hand which he well knoweth Simon Ive J Bonyman