Monday 25 January 1613 | Marriage register 1608 to 1639 | 8900607 |
Saturday 6 November 1613 | Baptism register 1609 to 1619 | 6602739 |
Saturday 1 December 1614 | Baptism register 1609 to 1619 | 6603059 |
Sunday 3 March 1616 | Baptism register 1609 to 1619 | 6603403 |
Friday 24 October 1617 | Baptism register 1609 to 1619 | 6603844 |
Saturday 29 January 1620 | Baptism register 1620 to 1639 | 6700045 |
Saturday 11 August 1621 | Baptism register 1620 to 1639 | 6700689 |
Thursday 20 February 1623 | Baptism register 1620 to 1639 | 6701105 |
Monday 9 May 1625 | Baptism register 1620 to 1639 | 6702011 |
Thursday 4 December 1627 | Baptism register 1620 to 1639 | 6702688 |
Tuesday 6 July 1630 | Quarter Sessions Rolls | 20502589 |
1631 | Quarter Sessions Process Books of Indictments | 21100100 |
Sunday 11 September 1631 | Baptism register 1620 to 1639 | 6703902 |
Tuesday 18 October 1631 | Burial register 1620 to 1639 | 8102175 |
1632 | Quarter Sessions Books: Recognisances (not alehouse) | 21200005 |
Wednesday 24 October 1632 | Archdeaconry Act Book | 2000892 |
Monday 25 February 1633 | Wills | 4001061 |
Tuesday 14 January 1634 | Quarter Sessions Process Books of Indictments | 21100072 |
Saturday 17 December 1635 | Wills | 4100261 |
Thursday 30 June 1636 | Archdeaconry Act Book | 2001931 |
Wednesday 20 July 1636 | Archdeaconry Act Book | 2001988 |
Tuesday 10 July 1638 | Archdeaconry Act Book | 2002835 |
Sunday 12 August 1638 | Burial register 1620 to 1639 | 8103583 |