in the name of god amen I
Robt Parker
of Tey Mandeville alias Marks Tey in the county of Essex and in the diocese of London yeoman being by the mercy of god in perfect health of body and strength of mind do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following declaring thereby my full purpose intent and meaning for the ordering and disposing of all my substance first I give and bequeath my soul into the hands of my most gracious and merciful father with an assured trust and confidence through the death and passion obedience and satisfaction of the lord jesus christ to have pardon and remission of all my sins and for that portion of worldly goods which it hath pleased god to bestow upon me my will and desire is that they be disposed of as hereafter followeth imprimis I give and bequeath to my wife
Joan Parker
the messuage and tenements with all and singular the appurtenances and five crofts lying and being in Marks Tey or Esthorpe and in the tenure and occupation for the present of me the said
Robt Parker
during the term of her natural life to be hers to have to hold and occupy to her own proper use and behoof so long as she shall continue in the state of widowhood item I will and bequeath to the said
Joan Parker
all my movable goods and household stuff beds tables stools brasses pewter and whatsoever else belonging to the house as also my cattle being two cows and one mare item my corn in the barn and my crop upon the ground to be wholly hers to order and dispose where and upon whom she pleaseth at the day of her death if she die a widow but if it shall seem good to the said
after my decease to contract and espouse herself in second marriage then my will and pleasure that my other executor shall take all my movables to divide equally between her and my cousin
Jn Parker
of Earls Colne and to the said
Jn Parker
I bequeath moreover in case aforesaid my wife should marry one of my cows the other cow and my mare I will to remain with wife
Joan Parker
and for the disposing of my house and lands in case the said
shall marry my will mind and purpose is that the whole land house and tenements shall return from the tenure use and occupation of the said
Joan Parker
into the hands of my other executor to be disposed of and let to farm as he shall see fit and one third part of the rents thereof to be paid to the said
Joan Parker
and no more item my will and pleasure is that after the decease of the said
Joan Parker
my executor then surviving shall sell or cause to be sold these foresaid lands and tenements commonly known by the name of Doggetts and the monies raised on the same to be disposed of in manner following imprimis I give and bequeath to my cousin
Jn Parker
of Earls Colne fustian weaver the full sum of 20li of lawful english money to him and to his heirs to be paid within three years after my wife's decease item to
Eliz Sammon
of Marks Tey 40s to be paid five years after my wife's decease and in case the said
shall depart this life before the time prefixed then the said sum to 40s to be paid and equally divided to the children of
the wife of
Thos Huske
item I will and bequeath to the children of the said
5li to be paid at the end of five years after my wife's decease item I will and bequeath to the children of
the now wife of
Geo Dillaway
of Wigborow by her former husband
Robt Minnere
3li to be paid at the same term of years item to
Jn Fletcher
of Earls Colne weaver to
Wm Hutt
of Earls Colne husbandman and to
Robt Cooke
of Earls Colne shoemaker to these and each of these I will and bequeath 40s to be paid likewise five years after my wife's departure item to
Geo Layer
of Earls Colne mason I will and bequeath 4li to be paid three years after my wife's death item to the poor people of Earls Colne 10li to be paid at the same term of three years to be delivered into the hands of the minister and churchwardens of the same parish to be disposed of for the best behoof of the poor item to the poor of Marks Tey 20s to be paid one year after my own departure to be distributed to the poor of that parish according to the discretion of the executors item to my brother
Jn Parker
10s to be paid at the same time item to his eldest son
Robt Parker
I will and bequeath 4li to be paid five years after my wife's decease item to his son
Gamaliel Parker
20s to be paid at the same term item to
Math Newcome
5li to be paid one year after my wife's decease item to
the wife of
Edw Harris
comber of Earls Colne 10s to be paid five years after my wife's death item to
the son of
Jn Abbott
of Marks Tey 20li to be paid five years after my wife's decease item I will and bequeath to the children of my brother
Jn Sammon
of Feering 10li to be paid at the same term of years and to be equally divided amongst them item to my cousin
Rich Parker
of Esthorpe 5li to be paid five years after my wife's decease item to
Wm Sparke
of Gaines Colne husbandman 3li to be paid five years after my wife's decease and that this my will may be performed in manner aforesaid according to my full purpose intent and meaning I appoint and design as joint executors my very good friend mr
Jn Brand
of Little Birch in Essex and my wife
Joan Parker
willing and desiring them to see this my will accomplished according to their power fully and truly in manner and form above written this I do declare to be my last will and testament wholly cancelling and disannulling all former testaments whatsoever in witness whereof I have put my hand and seal this present
etc sealed in the presence of us
Wm Frost
Robt Evered
Robt Parker