Person Index - Wm Briant

Appears in the text as:
1632Inquisition: Exchequer13200198
Sunday 14 April 1831Marriage register 1754 to 1853 - transcript by Major A.H.T. Smith70102880
Wednesday 15 January 1832Baptism register 1813 to 1854 - transcript by Major A.H.T. Smith70309940
1838Earls Colne Tithe Award90000090 90000310
Wednesday 26 April 1839Wills93000975
Thursday 10 June 1841Earls Colne Census 184191500065 91500520
Monday 21 January 1847Burial register 1838 to 1854 - transcript by Major A.H.T. Smith70209385
Monday 30 March 1851Earls Colne Census 185192000745
1854Rental of the Manors of Earls Colne and Colne Priory80000600