then agreed at a vestry meeting by us whose names are hereunder written that the standing collection should be as followeth per month Martha Appleton 8s widow Blumfield 6s widow Bowles 6s widow Brewer 8s widow Cristmas 8s 2s INSERTED Sam Finch 10s Jn King 10s Frances Ludgator 6s widow Lowe 2s Mary Layer 3s4s widow Pearl 8s widow Peartree 4s widow Springate 6s Jn Wood 2s widow Ward 4s widow Bewers 12s amounting to 5li3s(inserted) 13.4.1723 allowed Hen Hatch's wife 4s 5li7s standing collection allowed Jn Newton Jn May Jn Scott Wm Peartree Jn Hatch Ambr Stowers