Overseers Accounts (ERO D/P209/12/1)

7.2.1749 (Tuesday 7 February 1749)

document 11700882

7.2.1749 delivered 58lb of cheese 3d a lb 14s6d and 6bush of malt 18s and 3lb8oz of hops 2s11d 16.2.1749 relief to Wagstaf 2s6d 24.2.1749 relief to Balshem 2s 25.2.1749 to Balshem 1s6d 7.3.1749 paid at the meeting 2s6d 7.3.1749 the charge after Butler 7li7s5d 10.3.1749 of Wm Crab examined and expenses 1s6d 10.3.1749 and paid to mrs Colens for Meede for stuff and work at mr Shaus 3s2d1h illegible text 14.3.1749 paid Jarves bill for shoemending 1li10s11d 19.3.1749 relief to Chas Right's daughter 1s