(on the back) rough articles of agreement made 22.12.1735 between Jn Leaper of Earls Colne yeoman on the one part and Jas Rayner Peter King Jn Vince Wm Sexton and Adam Polly witnesseth that the said Jn Leaper hath let unto the said JR PK JV W Sexton of Stistead in the said county and Ad Polley all that field or piece of ground commonly called Dagnall part of the Tilekilne Farm containing by estimation 6acres more or less adjoining to the hopgrounds of Sam Smith in Earls Colne and now in the possession of said Jn Leaper for and during the term of four years for the yearly rent of 20s an acre the said JR PK JV WS and AP shall dig as close up to the stake as conveniently may be and to hoe it three times every year and in the fourth year if the plant of caraway or teazel or other garden stuff wherewith the said field shall be planted shall happen to fail or miss of plant then it shall and may be lawful for the said JR etc to yield up and deliver the said field to JL upon 24.6. in that year paying rent on 25.12. in every