in the name of god amen the present writing tripartite indented made the
etc. witnesseth that this is the testament containing the last will and true intent of me
Jeff Bukwell
of Earls Colne in the county of Essex in this manner and form following as well to the disposition of my loose goods as the devise and disposition of my lands and tenements as hereunder is testified that is to say first I give and bequeath my soul to almighty god to our lady saint mary and to all the holy and blessed company of heaven and my body to be buried in the church of St Andrews of Colne aforesaid before the altar of our blessed lady saint mary and that a marble floor be bought and laid upon my bones there with a perpetual remembrance in the same that is my mind I beseech all christian people to pray for my soul by name item I bequeath to the reparation of the scroll work of the cathedral church of St Paul in London 7d item I bequeath to the parish church of Colne aforesaid for my tithes negligently forgotten 20d item I give and bequeath a table of alabaster the which I have bought of the alabaster man as it appeareth by indenture made between the said alabaster man and me whereof counterpart resteth for me in the hands of the prior of Colne to stand at the high altar of the parish church of Colne aforesaid for evermore and I bequeath a canopy carven out of timber coloured with gold and bose the which I have bought of the said alabaster man as it appeareth more clearly by a bill in paper written with the hand of the vicar of Colne and bestowed in the hands of the same alabaster man to hang one the said high altar semblably item I bequeath to
my daughter a brass pot next the best another brass pot containing two gallons a cauldron next the best a brass pan next the best a lesser pan containing six gallons a posnet three candlesticks next the best fifteen pieces of pewter that is to say five platters five dishes five saucers a basin an ewer of latten a spit an andiron a gridiron a trivet and all these to be delivered unto her at the age of 22yr item I bequeath to
my wife ten seams of malt with five seams of wheat to be delivered to the said
by mine executors the third day after my decease item I bequeath to the said
my wife a sow with six of my small shoats and all my brewing vessels of timber item I bequeath to the said
my wife my old six silver spoons with all my =unfis and beads item I will that all my brass latten and pewter with all
of =relis andirons and hooks of and bills and all other iron be put no such at mine executors with all mine other loose goods and that thereof a due inventory and a present after the form of the law be indifferently made by good and true imparters and that eventually it be conveyed to my place called
there firstly to be kept under lock and key to the intent and effect hereafter following in the parts of my testament containing my last will item I give and bequeath to
Joan Buckwell
my daughter whence she cometh to the age of 22yr whether she be married or no 6marks of lawful money of England item I bequeath to the said
Joan Bukwell
my daughter my new featherbed with the transom and a mattress a pair of new blankets a pair of sarsenet sheets and a coverlet next the best item I will and bequeath to
my wife by the licence of my most singular good lord my lord of Oxenford the place that I dwell in two rents thereto adjoining a piece of free charter land on the backside of my said place late parcel of
called the
with a curtilage yielding yearly to my feoffees in
for the time being 4d forenamed with a parcel of ground of
set with saffron yielding yearly to my said feoffees 8d all through usual time of her life always provided that after her decease the said parcel set with saffron revert again to
Seggs Tenement
the said parcel called the
with the curtilage remain to my said place forenamed and that whence it happeneth after my said wife decease mine executors to sell my said place with the said
and curtilage that in the deed of sale be composed a special reservation and sufficient in the law of my said annual rent of my 4d unto my said tenement called
item I bequeath to the said
my wife a tenement called
a piece of free charter land thereto adjoining called
a piece of land customary called
Westmote Croft
a garden whereof part is free and part copy late
Phil Morys
piece of land customary called
term of her life item I bequeath to
my wife two kine item I will that my shot table standing in mine hall with a long form being in the blind sollar be conveyed to
there to abide for a standard for evermore item I bequeath to
my daughter a table in the shop a pair of trestles two forms a painted chest and a board cloth in the keeping of her mother item I bequeath to
my wife two turned stools otherwise called chairs with all other tables trestles and forms afore not bequeathed item I bequeath to
my wife my hey
hutch in the sollar at
item I bequeath to the said
my wife all my wood item I bequeath to
Wm Payne
my long russet gown also I will that if my wife interrupt or let mine executors or cause to be driven withheld beside or cause to be withheld or befiled any of my goods from mine executors not taking and receiving in peaceable manner all such things as I have bequeathen her afore by special words in this my present testament by the delivering of the hands of mine executors after the intendment of the law but otherwise afore her sensuality or by her own account that all her bequests stand bound item I will that if
my daughter decease within the age of 22yr and also if my said wife decease afore her said legacies as it is presumed that god defend all their legacies with all the lands and tenements to my said wife bequeathed time of life afore their death or fortune by the means aforesaid with all my goods as afore not bequeathed be sold by mine executors and with the money coming of the sale my debts with my funeral expenses and legacies performed and all costs charges and expenses reasonable to mine executors for their labour and diligence in executing of this my last will after right reason and all good conscience allowed free charter land be bought by mine executors and put in my feoffees hands to the expiation of my priests in manner and form subscribed item I bequeath in manner force and condition above written to the church of Colne my best diaper towel three yards and six lengths and my best sheets four yards and more in length the sheets for two altar cloths and the towel for to bearing the christinatory at easter for wives with child whence they take their rites to be occupied over this as to the devise and disposition of all my lands and tenements first I will that all my free charter lands and tenements rents and fines with all the appurtenances shall stand and be in the hands estate and possession of such persons as I have late enfeoffed in the same the which been a true the number of twenty four persons for the term of eighty years from the date hereof next ensuing and after them in the hands estate and possession of other feoffees of and in them to be made and bound after mine intent hereunder specified to the use of me during my life natural and after my decease to those of the finding and sustenation of a good and an honest secular priest the which can sing his psalms keep a =were as a soul priest in the parish church of Earls Colne aforesaid in the worship of god our lady saint john the evangelist and all saints and for the souls of me the foresaid
Jeff Bukwell
my wives
Jeff Bukwell
his wife my father and mother
Thos Berrowe
his wife the father and mother unto
my wife dompnus
Jn Helme
prior of
Colne Priory
Wm Choppett
Jn Wroo
Jn Kentish
Robt Boner
and the souls of all other by name that hereafter by the motion of their good angel give or bequeath gold silver land or jewels to the value of 20s and above to the fordoing and honour and worship of god and our lady and st john the evangelist with all saints at our said lady's altar in this behoof to the which I the said
Jeff Bukwell
now name
Jn Morell
of Sudbury priest as it is aforesaid sing and pray during his life natural in sickness and in health and after his decease or refusing of the said songs I name in like form for
Wm Choppet
to the same and that none other of my priests hereafter shall take example hereof or precedent but be content to be put in to the same at the recommendation of the churchwardens of Earls Colne aforesaid and the most part of my feoffees for the time being and as they come in at their denomination for trust of their good disposition so to depart whence they think or find cause reasonable at their commandment always provided that the said priest upon his sincere disposition have a quarter warning for his guidance from and out of the said service also I will that the said priest for the time being shall be called Bukwell's priest and be prohibited and dwelling continually in my tenement called
and that tenement ever to be the priest's mansion the which priest for the time being I will shall say his dunne service always continually in the said church of Earls Colne and churchyard of the same without a reasonable price let him and for to say his masses any day at our lady altar whence he is disposed about seven or eight of the clock as well in winter season as in summer season that is to say every tuesday mass of st thos of Canterbury every thursday mass of st john the evangelist and every friday mass of xmas and upon condition and all other holidays he to say his mass whereof that he is disposed saving that on sundays and holidays he shall not go to mass till the toms
(great bells)
of matins been done without a special answer assigned by the curate there and I will that the said priest every day in his mass after the chapel be done at the lavitory shall stand and say the psalm de profundis clamam for the souls above named and all christian souls and for the profit and good health of the feoffees of the same lands and tenements for the time being also I will that the said priest for the time being on the sufferance of the feoffees of the said lands and tenements for the time being shall take and have the rent and living of the same lands and tenements and grow to his own use for his salary finding and sustenantion all the revenues and profits of the same lands and tenements I will that of the same revenues and profits the said priest for the time being shall now and continually repair all the same lands and tenements and also well and truly pay and content all rents and other charges due and growing over the said lands and tenements also I will that the said
priest occupying the said service which he shall stand in that since shall not occupy nor take any other benefice service nor salary nor special attendance shall give to any singular person or persons in letting his attendance to the said service by me ordained as aforesaid but only to attend sing and pray for my soul and other souls aforesaid upon pain to be removed and clearly put from the said service and from all meddling and dealing with the said lands and tenements as hereunder I have assigned to be hereafter done and in like wise I will that if any of my said priests keeping the said service do not repair well and competently the said lands and tenements and therein to amend be duly warned once services at mass in manner and form aforesaid and do it not that then also the same priest so failing of repairing shall be removed and clearly put
from the said same and from all meeting and dealing with the said lands and tenements the said removing and putting out of the said priest from the said service and from all meddling and dealing with the said lands and tenements upon cause of desert as is aforesaid to be driven away be by the said churchwardens and more part of my feoffees for the time being and I will that whensoever hereafter any priest occupying the said service happen to decease or upon his divorce as is aforesaid happen to be removed the said churchwardens with the more part of my said feoffees if they will take upon them within a month and else in their thought negligence and default the feoffees of the said lands and tenements for the time being that is to say two of the foremost in writing within the second month or else neither through negligence and default
Jn Wroo
and his heirs male if he or his said heirs will take it upon them within the third month and else in their thought negligence and default the prior of Colne for the time being within the fourth month next following such death or removing shall present admit and set into the said service another honest and able priest secular to sing and pray for my soul and other souls aforesaid in manner and form above rehearsed during his life natural as long as he be of good and honest constitution and keep this my will or else be removed as is aforesaid as so there of to be driven from time to time as oft as the cause shall happen in time to come also to the intent that the said lands and tenements at all times to come now return in feoffees heirs to the performing of this my will afore rehearsed I will and ordain that whatever the number of them that be now feoffees of the said lands and tenements by death devise and come to the only hands of four that then a new estate and feoffment of the said lands and tenements shall be made and delivered by the said my old feoffees so surviving unto the vicar of the same parish for the time being and unto more other honest persons of the
same town and to their heirs in fee and thereupon the same vicar and the same new persons so of new enfeoffed to release the said four premises and with old feoffees and other honest persons within the number of twenty four persons in all of and in the said lands and tenements to hold to them and to their heirs for evermore to the intent thereof to have my will aforesaid duly performed and so and under the form the feoffment of the said lands and tenements whence the cause shall require to be renewed from time to time furthermore notwithstanding all the premises in affinity as by the
of the world this value of lands and tenements oftentimes due and distress rather thence amend or increase therefore I will by these presents that if it fortune the said lands and tenements heretofore to be untroubled or do decay in value so that thereof the priest and charges aforesaid may not be maintained borne or sustained to the full accomplishment of mine intent above rehearsed that thence after the said lands and tenements with the appurtenances shall be sold by the feoffees of the same for the time being in the best wise that they can or may and the money to be due of that sale by the same so thereto be received and disposed for my soul and all other's souls aforenamed in the manner and form ensuing that is to say 40li thereof to the building of a chapel in the honour of our lady and st john the evangelist annexed to the south side of the chancel of the parish church of Earls Colne aforesaid and the residue of the money coming of that sale to be disposed by the same suitors
in buying of such ornaments as shall be thought best after their discretion and most beautiful about the said altar of our lady and st john the evangelist to the honour and praising of almighty god in trinity and then to the relief of my soul and other souls aforesaid they taking thereof for their labours as reason and honesty shalt require item I will that the issues and profits of my tenement called
be applied to the expiation of my said priest and of this my testament tripartite indented containing my last will I make and ordain mine executors
Wm Choppett
Robt Boner
Jn Howchon
Wm Carter
and over that supervisors of this same father
Jn Helm
prior of
Colne Priory
Jn Wroo
of Colne and
Jn Kentissh
of Alphamston in witness whereof I the said
Jeff Bukwell
to every part of this writing tripartite indented have put my seal and also have procured and caused all my feoffees of and in my lands and tenements aforesaid to set to every part of the same their seals and we
Wm Choppett
Jn Wroo
Jeff Audeley
Wm Audeley
his son
Robt Boner
Wm Bield
Jn Bield
son of the said
Jn Jamys
Wm Clerk
the elder
Wm Hawke
the elder
Wm Hawke
the younger his son
Jn Wastelyn
Rich Wastelyn
Hen Bukwell
Rich Boner
Jn Carwood
Robt Garrond
Jn Huchon
Rich Mugge
Jn Lyngewode
Simon Lyngewoode
Jn Rydnale
the elder
Jn Rydnale
the younger his son and
Rich Wadestock
feoffees of and in the lands and tenements aforesaid at the special request instance and desire of the said
Jeff Bukwell
to every piece of this present writing tripartite indented have put our seal these being witness father
Jn Holme
prior of
Colne Priory
Wm Choppett
Robt Boner
Thos Hunt
of the same town
Rich Berreve
of Colne Wake
Jeff Audley
Rich Mugge
Gilb Wright
Robt Bieston
Rich Brown
and many others given at Earls Colne abovesaid the day and year first afore written