the will of Thos Harrysone of Earls Colne in the name of god amen the 31.7.1544 I Thos Harrysone of Earls Colne in the diocese of London being whole in mind and sick in body do ordain and make this my last will and testament in this manner and form following first I bequeath my soul unto almighty god and to his only son our saviour jesus christ and to our blessed lady saint mary and to all the holy company of heaven and my body to be buried within the churchyard of Earls Colne aforesaid item I give and bequeath unto the high altar of the said church for my tithes and offerings by me negligently forgotten 12d item I give and bequeath unto Jn Culverton my son in law and Thomasin his wife my counter table and my featherbed that I lie in with all that belongeth thereunto after the decease of Alice my wife item I give and bequeath unto the said Jn Culverton my son in law and Thomasin his wife all my lands and tenements set and lying in Earls Colne aforesaid to their heirs and assigns forever by licence of the lord and his court upon this condition that the said Jn and Thomasin do honestly keep or cause to be kept the said Alice my wife during her life sufficiently and therefore to have an honest chamber prepared for her to dwell in during her life natural with meat and drink and fire within the house that I now dwell in and the said Jn and Thomasin to pay or cause for to be paid to the said Alice my wife yearly during her life 6s8d at two times in the year and if she fortune to marry again then I will that she shall have no longer dwelling in my said house nor meat nor drink this done and obtained as before is said I give and bequeath unto Jn Pynnock and Joan Pynnock my daughter's children either of them 20s for to be paid unto Xoph Pynnock their father within six weeks after my decease item I give and bequeath to any of my brethren that shall chance first to come to seek for me 10s the residue of all my movable goods as well implements as household stuff I will and bequeath them wholly to the said Alice my wife I will and ordain the said Jn Culverton to be mine executor and Rich Debernam to be my supervisor to see my body honestly brought in the earth my seventh day and my month day and my year day honestly kept my debts to be paid and this my last will and testament to be performed witness Geo Chatterton Thos Waller Thos Clerke Jn Estey