Wills (ERO D/ACR6/443 Lewis Jegrun 1576/7 1576/7)

6.2.1577 (Wednesday 6 February 1577)

document 2800274

in the name of god amen the 6.2.19Eliz1 etc I Lewis Jegrun of Earls Colne in the county of Essex being of whole mind and of perfect remembrance thanks be unto almighty god do make this my last will nuncupative revoking other former wills and this to be mine only true and last will in manner and form as hereafter followeth first and principally above all things I bequeath my soul to almighty god my saviour and redeemer and to the holy and blessed trinity and I will that my body shall be buried in christian burial where it shall please god to call me and as concerning all my worldly goods I give them all to Eliz my wife upon this condition that she shall pay my debts and bring me honestly to the earth these being witnesses and I make Eliz my wife mine executrix Rich Malster Edw Morse Geo Manninge Robt Morse