in the name of god amen the
etc I
Jn Prentice
the elder of Colne Engaine in the county of Essex and diocese of London yeoman being sick in body but of good and perfect remembrance thanks be unto almighty god do ordain and make this my present testament containing my last will in manner and form following first I bequeath my soul to the mercy of almighty god my creator and maker and to jesus christ his son my only saviour and redeemer trusting by his precious death and bloodshedding to have free remission and forgiveness of all my sins and my body to be buried in christian burial whensoever it shall please god to call me item I give and bequeath unto
my wife all that my customary tenement with a garden thereto belonging called Totteritches or otherwise situate and being in Colne Engaine aforesaid holden by copy of court roll of the manor of Colne Engaine aforesaid item I give and bequeath unto the said
my wife all those my customary lands tenements meadows pastures and feedings lying and being in Colne Engaine aforesaid by what name or names soever the same be known reputed or called holden by copy of court roll of the said manor of Colne Engaine aforesaid to have and to hold all the said customary tenement and garden thereto adjoining and also all those my said customary lands and tenements meadows pastures and feedings with all and singular the appurtenances unto the said
my wife during her natural life according to the custom of the said manor item I give and bequeath unto
my son all that my said customary tenement and garden called Totteritches also one parcel of customary land called Home Field one other parcel of customary land called Sandpit Field also one other parcel of customary land called Middle Gaines Field lying next adjoining unto the said tenement called Totteritches to have and to hold all the said tenements called Totteritches and also the said three parcels of land thereunto next adjoining with all and singular their appurtenances unto the said
my son and to his heirs and assigns for ever by and after the decease of the said
my wife according to the custom of the said manor item I give and bequeath unto the said
my son the foregrass of 1a of that meadow called Gaynes Meadow in Colne Engaine aforesaid that is the acre next adjoining unto the parcel of meadow belonging to the parsonage to have parcein receive and take the said foregrass of the acre of meadow aforesaid with free liberty to fell cut down make and carry away the grass and hay thereupon yearly to be coming and growing unto the said
my son and to his heirs and assigns forever by and after the decease of the said
my wife item I give and bequeath unto
my son all those my two parcels of customary land called Lodgefield and Broomefield with the lodge there standing and being also all that my customary meadow called Gaynes Meadow situate and being in Colne Engaine aforesaid except and reserved out of the said meadow the foregrass of 1a above in this my present testament given and bequeathed unto the said
my son to have and to hold the said two parcels of customary land called Lodgefield and Broomefield with the lodge there standing and being and also all that my parcel of meadow called Gaynes Meadow with all and singular their appurtenances except before excepted unto the said
my son and to his heirs and assigns for ever by and after the decease of the said
my wife according to the custom of the manor aforesaid
item I give and bequeath unto
item I give and bequeath unto
my son one parcel of customary land called Longecrofte and also all the parcel of marsh thereunto next adjoining situate and being in Colne Engaine aforesaid containing together by estimation 6a be it more or less to have and to hold all the said parcel of land called Longecrofte and also the said parcel of marsh with their appurtenances unto the said
my son and to his heirs and assigns for ever by and after the decease of the said
my wife according to the custom of the said manor item I give and bequeath unto
my son all that my parcel of free land called
Graye Croft
situate and being in Colne Engaine aforesaid containing by estimation 8a be it more or less to have and to hold all the said parcel of free land called
Gray Croft
and all and singular the appurtenances unto the said
my son and to his heirs and assigns for ever by and after the decease of the said
my wife item I give and bequeath unto the said
my wife all that my said parcel of free land called
Graye Croft
with appurtenances to have and to hold unto the said
wife during her natural life and after her decease to remain and come unto the said
my son in manner and form aforesaid item I will that if any of my said sons shall depart that world before the time that they should receive their portions by me before given and bequeathed then I will that his or their part so deceased shall be equally divided amongst the residue of my said sons then living item I give and bequeath unto
my son 10s of lawful money of England to be paid unto him within 2years next after my decease item I give and bequeath unto
my daughter my best bed with all things thereto belonging and after the decease of the said
my wife item I give and bequeath unto
my daughter my best cupboard to be delivered unto her by and after the decease of the said
my wife item I give and bequeath unto the said
my daughters to either of them one bullock of 2years old to be delivered unto them within 2years next after my decease item I give and bequeath unto the said
my daughters to either of them half a dozen of pewter to be delivered unto them at their several days of their marriage item I give and bequeath unto the said
my daughters to either of them 50s of lawful money of England to be paid unto them out of those parcels of land called Lodgefield and Broomefield and also out of the meadow called Gaynes Meadow by the said
my son within 8years next after he shall enjoy and possess the same if the said
my son shall refuse to pay the said sum of 5li to my said two daughters in manner and form abovesaid then I will that it shall and may be lawful unto the said
my daughters their
executors and assigns in and upon the said lands called Lodgefield Broomfield and Gaynes Meadow to enter and distrait and the distress or distresses to detain and withhold until the said sum of 5li be fully satisfied and paid all the residue of my goods unbequeathed both movable and unmovable my debts paid my legacies fulfilled and my funeral charges discharged I give them wholly unto the said
my wife whom I do ordain and make my sole executrix of this my last present testament to see my debts paid my legacies fulfilled and my body decently brought on earth and I will that
Hen Pryour
my kinsman be supervisor of the same to see the same performed accordingly and he to have for his pains 20s and his ordinary expenses in and about the same these being witnesses
Jn Potter
Wm Partree
Wm Prentice
Rich Baker
Jn Prentice