in the name of god amen the
Dorcas Conney
Earls Colne in the county of Essex widow being sick in body but in good remembrance I do thank god therefore do make this my last will and testament in manner following first I bequeath my soul into the hands of almighty god my saviour and redeemer by whose bloodshedding upon the cross I do hope to have remission of my sins my body to the earth to be decently buried item I do give unto
my son a holland sheet and my great brass pot all my goods and implements of household now remaining in the chamber where I usually lie except one wainscot chest which I do give unto
my daughter with all such goods as are now in the same except a diaper tablecloth and a holland sheet item I do give unto
my son all my goods and implements of household now remaining in the hall house and a featherbed and feather bolster and a trundle bedstead a dornick birded coverlet and a great chest upon the sollar a pewter platter and a great brass kettle close stool a joined form a pair of cobirons and a spit a canvas sheet and a great firkin item I do give unto the said
my daughter a platter a pewter dish and two saucers a mortar and pestle a little brass pot and a posnet item I do give unto the said
a blue petticoat and to
my son two chests two petticoats a long table and a round table a tub a keeler and all tools of husbandry a little round bed and the flock lying upon the chamber and two brass kettles and two platters a great trammel and all other things now remaining in the buttery except a great firkin and I do give unto
my sons my diaper tablecloth and I do give unto the said
two tubs and a keeler and two buffet stools and two forms item I do give unto the said
my black gown a flannel petticoat a waistcoat and a chafing dish and all my wearing linen item I do make my son in law
Thos Sawkin
executor of this my last will and testament charging him to see my will truly performed in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand in the presence of these witnesses hereunder named witnesses
Simon Ive
Anne Smithes
Dorcas Conney