in the name of god amen the
Thos Faires
of Colne Wake in the county of Essex yeoman being sick in body but yet in good and perfect remembrance I do thank god therefore do declare and make this my last will and testament in manner and form following first and principally I surrender and bequeath my soul into the hands of almighty god and his blessed son jesus christ my only saviour and redeemer by whose precious bloodshedding upon the cross I do steadfastly hope to have remission of all my sins my body to the earth from whence it was taken to be decently buried according to my degree item whereas
Rich Bridge
of Colne Wake aforesaid yeoman by his deed bearing date the
hath given granted bargained and sold unto me the said
Thos Faires
and my heirs all that his tenement called Buckes with all and singular the lands tenements and hereditaments thereto belonging containing by estimation 7a more or less upon condition notwithstanding that if the said
Rich Bridge
his heirs executors administrators or assigns shall satisfy content and pay to me the said
Thos Faires
my heirs executors administrators or assigns 80li of lawful money of England upon the
at or in my now dwelling house in Colne Wake abovesaid then the said bargain and sale to be void as by the said deed more at large it doth and may appear now my will and meaning is that the said
Rich Bridge
his heirs executors or assigns shall pay unto my loving friend and neighbour
Jn Meadowe
of Colne Wake aforesaid yeoman the said 80li and I do desire the said
Jn Meadowe
to receive the same into his hands to be used and employed in such manner and form as hereafter in this my will is mentioned and if the said
Rich Bridge
his heirs or assigns shall not pay the said 80li in manner and form in the said deed mentioned then I will that the said
Jn Meadowe
his executor or executors shall sell the said tenement and lands called Bucks and dispose the money arising and coming by the sale thereof according to the true intent and meaning of this my last will and testament which said 80li I do desire the said
Jn Meadowe
to put out upon interest as he shall think good and to pay the interest thereof coming unto
my wife during her natural life and after her decease
Thos Faires
I do give the said 80li in manner and form following that is to say to every of the children of my kinsman
Thos Redgewell
10li apiece to be paid to every of them as they shall severally and successively attain to the age of 21yr and if they or any of them happen to die before that time then the children of them so dying to have the same divided amongst them or else the survivors of the said
Thos Ridgewell's
children to have the same equally divided amongst them and my will and meaning is that the said
Thos Redgewell
shall have the money coming by the use of the said 30li after the death of my said wife until his said children are by this my last will and testament to receive the same item I do give unto the wife of
Francis Chambers
my wife's kinswoman 10li of lawful money of England to be paid within one year after my wife's death item I do give unto
Margt Hempsted
my sister 5li of like money to be paid within one year after my wife's decease item my will is that my executors shall pay unto my kinsman
Thos Redgewell
21s at xmas next for the 20s I do owe him item I do give to
Jn Cokes
wife of Earls Colne 40s to be paid within a year after my decease and I do give unto
Dorothy Hempsted
5li of like money to be paid within half a year after my wife's decease and my posted bedstead my best dornick coverlet and my featherbed and feather bolster and a pair of sheets and feather pillows and two blankets to be delivered within half a year after my wife's decease item I do give unto
my sister
children to every of them 6s8d apiece to be paid within a year after my wife's decease item I do give unto
my wife the two hutches standing in the parlour with all the linen in the same hutches and two other bedsteads with their bedding coverlets and blankets and two pair of sheets and all my pewter and my little kettle and the next bigger kettle and my will is that my said wife shall have the use and occupation of all the rest of my implements of household during her life and after her decease I will that my said implements of household shall be equally divided between
Thos Redgewell
wife and
Dorothy Hempsted
part and part alike and I do give unto
Alice Brown
my servant 20s to be paid at the end and term of her years if she do serve
that she is to serve
item I do give unto the said
Thos Redgewell
5li to be paid within half a year after my wife's decease and I do give unto the said
Dorothy Hempsted
50s more to be paid likewise within half a year after my wife's decease and I do give unto the said
Margt Hempsted
my sister's daughter 53s4d more to be paid likewise within a year
Thos Faires
after my wife's decease item I do give unto
my sister
husband my saye breeches my frieze jerkin and my petticoat and to
Francis Chambers
my collared saye doublet and my coloured cloth breeches and I do give unto
Thos Redgewell
my riding cloak and all my working day apparel and all my tools belonging to husbandry except ploughs carts tumbrels harrows and harness with the furniture to them belonging and I do give unto the said
Margt Hempsted
my cloak to make her a coat item I do give unto the poor people of Colne Wake aforesaid 6s8d to be distributed amongst them within half a year after my decease item all the rest and residue of my goods and chattels whatsoever not before by me given or bequeathed I do give and bequeath unto the said
my wife and unto the said
Jn Meadowe
towards the payment of my debts my funeral charges and the probate of this my last will and I do ordain and make the said
executors of this my last will and testament and I do give unto the said
Jn Meadowe
20s desiring him to take pains in the performance of this my will in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand the
the year above written read subscribed and published to be his last will and testament in the presence of
Simon Ive
Jn Wenden
Thos Faires