in the name of god amen memorandum that I
Jn Finch
of Colne Engaine alias Gainscolne in the county of Essex husbandman being in perfect memory thanks be to god do make this my last will and testament in manner and form as followeth first I bequeath my soul into the hands of almighty god trusting to be saved through the alone merits of my blessed saviour and redeemer jesus christ then I bequeath my body to the earth to be buried in decent and christian burial and for my worldly goods which the lord hath lent me I bequeath and give them as followeth first I give unto my son
Jn Finch
of Pedmarsh the sum of 67li which shall be paid him within one month after the death of my wife
item I give to the said
after the death of my wife the biggest hutch in my house item I give him one pair of iron harrows after the death of my wife item I give unto him more a draw rake after the death of my wife I give unto my son
Reynold Finch
of Colchester the sum of 5li to be paid him within one month after the death of my wife
I give unto my son
Robt Finch
of Earls Colne 20s to be paid him within one month after the death of my wife I give unto my daughter
the wife of
Thos Rampton
of Colne Engaine 12d to be paid her within one month after the death of my wife I give to my daughter
the wife of
Nath Louekin
of Suffolk 12d to be paid her within one month after the death of my wife I give to my daughter
the wife of
Edw Parker
of Beaumount 40s to be paid her within one month after the death of my wife I give to my daughter
the wife of
Hen Payne
of Audley 12d to be paid her within one month after the death of my wife I give to my daughter
the wife of
Robt Troles
of Aldum 12d to be paid her within one month after the death of my wife I give to my daughter
the wife of
Jn Turner
of Wakes Colne 12d to be paid her within one month after the death of my wife I give to my son in law
Robt Troles
above named my malting vat and hair cloth to be enjoyed within one month after the death of my wife I give all the remainder of my goods and chattels whatsoever are unbequeathed to my beloved wife
whom I make the sole executrix of this my will in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this
in the presence of these witnesses whose names are hereunder written
Ben Kynton
Joseph Harvy
Jn Finch