in the name of god amen the
etc. I
Jn Potter
of Peldon in the county of Essex yeoman being weak in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory I praise the almighty therefore considering the frailty of human nature and the uncertain continuance of health and state being resolved against all sudden alterations that may happen in this earthly condition to prepare my mind to a settled course of quietness and meditations of heavenly joys and to determine of the disposition of those lands and tenements goods and chattels wherewith god of his goodness hath blessed me withal so as peace to my soul and quietness between my children and other my friends and kindred may after my death be firmly kept and maintained do make and ordain this my testament and last will in manner and form following that is to say first and principally I commend my soul and body into the hands of christ jesus my sole saviour and redeemer by whose merit and passion I assuredly expect to receive the full and free remission of all my sins and the fruition of a h
appy and joyful resurrection and I request my executors hereunder named to see my body bestowed in christian burial in decent and comely manner item I do give and bequeath to the poor people of the parish of Peldon aforesaid 26s8d of lawful money of England to be distributed amongst them at the discretion of my executors item I do give and bequeath to the poor people of the parish of White Colne in the county aforesaid 20s of like lawful money of England to be distributed amongst them at the discretion of my executors item I do give and bequeath to the poor people of the parish of Langenhoe in the county aforesaid 10s of like money of England to be distributed amongst them at the discretion of my executors item I do give and bequeath unto my very friend mr
Sam Warde
preacher of the word of god 20s of lawful money of England and to mr
preacher of the word of god in Laierdelahay 20s and to mr
Rich Ram
preacher of god in Peldon 20s to be paid to every of them within three months next after my decease item I do give and bequeath unto my eldest son
Jn Potter
5li of lawful money of England to be paid unto him within three months next after my decease item I do give and devise unto
Jeff Potter
my son and to his heirs and assigns forever all those my two parcels of land lying in White Colne in the county of Essex aforesaid the one whereof is known by the name of Catleys and the other by the name of Curds containing together by estimation 21a more or less item I do give and bequeath unto my said son
Jeff Potter
one piece of gold of 22s item I do give and devise unto
Robt Potter
my son and to his heirs and assigns forever all those my copyhold lands and tenements situate lying and being in Fingringhoe in the county of Essex aforesaid provided always notwithstanding upon this condition that he my said son
Robt Potter
do and shall pay unto
Tobias Potter
my son the sum of 50li of lawful money of England within three years next after my decease and if my said son
Robt Potter
do refute and do not pay unto
Tobias Potter
my son the said sum of 50li of lawful money of England within three years next after my decease as aforesaid then I do give and devise all and singular my said copyhold lands and tenements being in Fingringhoe aforesaid unto
Tobias Potter
my son his heirs and assigns forever item I do give and bequeath unto
Wm Potter
my son the sum of 300li of lawful money of England to be paid unto him by my executors when and as soon as he shall have accomplished his age of 25yr and if it shall happen that my said son
do die before he shall have accomplished his said age of signed sealed and published in the presence of
Geo Grene
Jn Barrell
Hen Carpenter
Jn Potter
25yr then my mind and will is that 100li of the aforesaid legacy of 300li given and bequeathed unto my said son
Wm Potter
shall be given and paid unto
Tobias Potter
my son by my executors when and as soon as my said son
if he had so long lived had accomplished his said age of 25yr item I do give and devise unto
Tobias Potter
my son and to his heirs and assigns forever all and singular my lands and tenements situate and being in Peldon in the county of Essex aforesaid called or known by the name of Balls containing by estimation 8a more or less item I do give and bequeath unto my said son
Tobias Potter
50li of lawful money of England to be paid unto him by my executors when and as soon as he shall have accomplished his age of 25yr and if it shall so happen that my said son
do die before he shall have accomplished his said age of 25yr then my will and mind is that the said legacy of 50li given and bequeathed unto
Tobias Potter
my son shall be given and paid unto
Wm Potter
my son by my executors when and as soon as my said son
Tobias Potter
if he had so long lived had accomplished his said age of 25yr item I do give and bequeath unto my daughter
Jane Wood
the wife of
Thos Wood
one piece of gold of 22s to be paid unto her within three months next after my decease item I do give and bequeath unto my son in law
Edw Markes
one piece of gold of 22s to be paid unto him within six months next after my decease item I do give and bequeath unto all my grandchildren 10s apiece to be paid unto their fathers within one year next after my decease item I do give and bequeath unto my loving kinsman
Wm Potter
of Brantham in the county of Suffolk yeoman 10li of lawful money of England item I do give and bequeath unto
Judith Ran
my servant 10s to be paid unto her within three months next after my decease item I do give and bequeath unto
Jn Tooley
Wm Crosse
Rich Pomer
Wm Adames
my servants 6s8d apiece to be paid unto every of them within three months next after my decease also the rest of my goods and chattels leases money plate corn cattle household stuff implements of household implements of husbandry and all other my goods and chattels whatsoever unbequeathed I do give and bequeath unto my said loving kinsman
Wm Potter
and unto my said son
Robt Potter
for and towards the payment of my debts and legacies herein by me bequeathed and I do name appoint and make the said
Wm Potter
my kinsman and
Robt Potter
my son executors of this my testament and last will desiring them to see the same faithfully executed and performed and I do hereby will and declare my mind and meaning to be that my debts legacies and funeral charges being paid all the rest of mine estate then remaining shall be to the only use and behoof of my said son
Robt Potter
and I do hereby give and bequeath the same unto him and I do hereby renounce all former wills by me heretofore made and do publish and declare this to be my testament and last will in witness whereof I have to either sheet of paper hereof containing in all two sheets of paper set my hand and seal the day and year in the first sheet of paper first above written signed sealed and published in the presence of
Geo Grene
Jn Barrel
Hen Carpenter
Jn Potter