in the name of god amen I
Jn Sworder
of Earls Colne in the county of Essex in the diocese of London being sick in body but of perfect remembrance thanks be to almighty god do make this my last will and testament declaring therein and thereby my full mind and deed as followeth first I give and bequeath my soul into the hands of almighty god my creator and redeemer with a full trust and assurance through the death merit and passions of my saviour jesus christ to have full pardon and remission of all my sins and offences and my body to be decently buried in christian burial in the churchyard of Earls Colne and for that portion of goods whereof it hath pleased god of his goodness to bless me withal first I give and bequeath unto
Jn Bowyer
my brother 12d of good an lawful money of England item I give and bequeath unto
Amy Sworder
my sister 12d of like current money of England to be paid within six months next after my decease if it be demanded by the said parties all my other movable goods household stuff implements of household stuff all my debts and personal rights of what sort or kind soever I give and bequeath unto
Eliz Sworder
my now wife to see my body brought to the earth my debts paid and this my will performed and accordingly I do make and ordain the said
Eliz Sworder
my wife my sole executor to see this my said will fulfilled in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the
sealed signed and delivered in the presence of us
Jn Read
Wm Fossett
Jn Sworder