in the name of god amen the 2.9.1616 etc I Ann Nicolson of Heningham Sible in the county of Essex widow being in good and perfect remembrance thanks be given to almighty god do ordain and make this my last will and testament in manner and form hereafter following renouncing all other former wills whatsoever by me heretofore made and first and principally I commend my soul into the hands of almighty god my maker redeemer and saviour and my body to be buried at the discretion of my executors hereafter in this my will named item I give and bequeath unto the poor people of Henningham Sible aforesaid 20s of lawful money of England to be paid and distributed amongst them by my executor at the day of my burial item I will and devise unto Rich Hayward my son in law and Thos Reynolds of Finchingfeild in the said county gent all that my fields or lands called Henly Feilds otherwise Gravell Feilds now into two parts divided containing by estimation 12a more or less lying and being in Henningham Sible in the said county of Essex to have and to hold the said fields with the appurtenances unto the said Rich Hayward and Thos Reynolds their heirs and assigns in trust nevertheless that they the said Rich Hayward and Thos Reynolds or the survivor of them their heirs or assigns or the heirs or assigns of the survivors of them shall within three years next after my death bargain and sell the said fields or lands or any part thereof with the appurtenances at the best rate or value they can to person or persons and their heirs as will buy the same or any part thereof and the money thereof coming together with the rents and profits that shall be raised and made of the same lands after my death and before the sale thereof to be for and towards the payment of my debts and legacies and other charges that shall happen by reason of the same and this my will item I give and bequeath unto Sara my daughter now wife of Edw Carter one bedstead standing in my parlour one flockbed one featherbed one bolster two pillows two blankets one coverlet one pair of sheets two pillowberes of the best I have and also my table in the said parlour one form there five joined stools the table frame one great chest one cupboard two great cushions and three little cushions standing upon the said cupboard and the cupboard cloth and the settle by the said bedside as aforesaid and also one round table standing in the chamber over the parlour half a dozen of pewter one pair of white curtains with the valance about the bed two little chairs two silver spoons a pewter candlestick and a pewter salt to be paid and delivered her within one month next after the death of the said Edw Carter her husband if she shall then be living or if the said Sara shall die before her said husband and have children living then I will that all such things as I have given to the said Sara shall be equally divided amongst such of the children of the said Sara as shall be living when they shall accomplish their several ages of 21yr or day of marriage which shall first happen item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Ann the wife of Rich Hayward my best bedstead in the chamber over the said parlour and one flockbed one featherbed one bolster two pillows two blankets one coverlet one pair of sheets one pillowbere and one great chest as the same now be in the said chamber over the parlour and also the great copper for brewing one kneading trough and all my brining vessels and brewing tubs at the choice of the said Ann my said daughter and half a dozen of pewter one chair in the hall one silver spoon one pewter candlestick and one pewter salt all which to be delivered unto her immediately after my death item I give and bequeath unto Rachel my daughter the wife of Arth Wylsnere one bedstead one strawbed one featherbed one bolster one pillow two blankets one coverlet one pair of sheets three curtains and one chest standing and being in the said chamber over the parlour the best there of such as my daughter Ann shall leave after the same Ann hath made her first choice item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Rachel half a dozen of pewter one silver spoon and one great latten candlestick to be delivered unto her immediately after my death item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Eliz the wife of Jn Gyrton one bedstead one flockbed one bolster two pillows two blankets one coverlet one pair of sheets one pillowbere such as shall be left in the said chamber over the parlour after the said Ann and Rachel have made their choice item I give and bequeath unto the said Eliz my daughter half a dozen of pewter one chest in the chamber next to the chamber over the parlour one latten candlestick and one pewter salt to be delivered unto her immediately after my death item I give and bequeath unto Susanne my daughter the wife of Wm Browne one bedstead called a half headed bedstead one flockbed one bolster one pillow two blankets one coverlet one pair of sheets as the same now be standing and being in the little chamber next unto the chamber over the parlour item I give and bequeath unto Susanne my daughter half a dozen of pewter one silver spoon and one brazen candlestick to be delivered unto her immediately after my death item I give and bequeath unto Rachel Bredge daughter of my son in law Wm Bredge one trundlebed one flockbed one bolster one pillow two blankets one pair of sheets and one coverlet standing and being in the said little chamber to be delivered unto her immediately after my death item I give and bequeath unto Gyles Bredge son of the said Wm Bredge one bedstead one flockbed one bolster one pillow one blanket one coverlet one pair of sheets standing and being in the chamber over the milkhouse where I dwell to be delivered unto him immediately after my death item I give and bequeath unto Wm Browne eldest son of my daughter Susanne the biggest and best bedstead one flockbed one bolster one pillow two blankets one coverlet one pair of sheets standing and being in the chamber over the milkhouse one round table that now standeth in the hall and one joined stool to be delivered unto him immediately after my death item I give and bequeath unto the said Rich Hayward my son in law one chair standing in my hall between the cupboard and round table there the table and frame in the hall one form there the benches boards wainscots glass gates and pales whatsoever in the houses and upon the ground which I hold for term of my life to hold to him and his executors and assigns item I give and bequeath unto Jn Nicolson my son one trundlebed in the parlour one featherbed thereupon the mattress under the featherbed two blankets one bolster one pillow one coverlet one pair of sheets to be delivered unto him immediately after my death item I give and bequeath unto Barth Hayward and Alys Hayward the two children of my said son in law Rich Hayward to either of them 10s of lawful money of England to be paid unto them by my executor item I give and bequeath and my will and mind is that all my brass and pewter and my other goods and chattels whatsoever unbequeathed shall be equally divided amongst all my daughters that shall be living at the time of my death part and part alike item I give and bequeath and my will and mind is that all such money as shall be and remain by the sale of my land above mentioned in the hands of the said Rich Hayward and Thos Reynolds or the survivor of them after all my debts and legacies paid and funeral charges discharged shall be paid and distributed as followeth that is to say first to Jn Nicolson my son 5li to the said Ann my daughter 5li to Susanne my daughter 5li to Rachel my daughter 5li to Mary my daughter 5li to Eliz my daughter 5li to Wm Browne my grandchild 5li to Gyles Bredge my grandchild 5li and to my said daughter also I give 5li and the overplus of the said money remaining over and above such sums as is he rein last rehearsed and mentioned to be paid I will shall be equally divided amongst all my other grandchildren that shall be living after the sale of the said lands except the said Wm Browne and Gyles Bredge at their several ages of 21yr or several days of marriage which shall first happen at the discretion of my executor provided always nevertheless and my will and mind is that if any of my said children or grandchildren shall not be contented and quietly accept of such legacy and legacies as by this my last will and testament I have given unto them or any of them but shall be troublesome to my executor or to any other about this my will or any the said gifts or shall refuse to make seal and delivery sufficient acquittance release and discharge to my executor at the time of the payment or delivering of his her or their legacy or legacies by me given and bequeathed as aforesaid that then he she or they that shall be troublesome or shall make any such refusal or denial to make seal and delivery as their deed or deeds a sufficient acquittance release and discharge as aforesaid shall lose his her or their legacy and legacies before to them in this my will given and bequeathed this my present testament and last will or any thing herein contained to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding and of this my last will and testament I do ordain name and appoint my said son in law Rich Hayward my sole executor and I do entreat the said Thos Reynolds to be my overseer to see this my last will and testament performed for as much as in him lieth and for his pains therein to be taken I give unto the said Thos 20s in witness whereof I the said Ann Nicolson have hereunto set my seal the day and year abovesaid in the presence of us Robt Browne Wm Snelhawke Wm Butt and Thos Reynolds