in the name of god amen the
etc. I
Edw Spooner
of White Colne in the county of Essex yeoman being weak and frail in body but of good and perfect mind and remembrance I give god thanks therefore I do make ordain and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form following and I do herein and hereby utterly renounce and revoke all and every other will and wills by me heretofore made whatsoever first and principally I commit and commend my soul into the merciful hands of almighty god the father my creator and to his forever blessed and beloved son jesus christ my only redeemer and to the holy ghost my comforter and my body to the earth from whence it came to be decently buried in the churchyard of Earls Colne in the said county of Essex according to my degree at the only proper cost and charges of
my well beloved wife and for that part and portion of worldly goods wherewith it hath pleased god out of his free favour and love to endow me withal here in this transitory life I do give and bequeath as followeth imprimis I give and bequeath unto
my well beloved wife all those movable goods chattels cattle implements or utensils of household stuff whatsoever which were hers before our inter marriage together with all the corn now growing upon the ground belonging or now used occupied and enjoyed with this freehold messuage or tenement either being freehold or copyhold in the parish of White Colne aforesaid wherein we now dwell and all other my goods chattels or cattle which are not or shall not be by me herein and hereafter given and bequeathed unto any other person or persons whatsoever upon condition that she shall bear pay and discharge whatsoever shall be spent and laid out at my burial as is aforesaid according to her discretion item I give and bequeath unto
the now wife of
Peter Dines
and unto
the now wife of
Jas Ward
and unto
Mary Spooner
my three daughters all my movable goods and implements or utensils of household stuff whatsoever which are now within my house in Earls Colne called
to be equally parted and divided between themselves or by the advice of
Mary Brand
of Earls Colne aforesaid widow my loving sister and under named executrix item I give and bequeath unto the said
Mary Brand
my sister and to her heirs and assigns forever all my copyhold messuage or tenement in Earls Colne aforesaid holden of the said manor by copy of court roll called
Low Feilds
with all and singular every of the houses edifices buildings barn stable outhouses yards gardens orchard and three several closes or parcels of land with their appurtenances containing in all together by estimation 10a be it more or less together with all the corn now growing upon the ground and three mares with all the harness and furniture whatsoever or wheresoever unto them belonging with five sheep and six lambs upon these conditions hereafter following that is to say upon condition that the said
Mary Brand
her heirs executors administrators or assigns shall pay unto
Dan Grimstone
of Feeringe in the said county yeoman or to his lawful attorney his heirs executors administrators or assigns the full sum of 68li18s of good and lawful money of England and upon the
which is to be paid upon surrender of the foresaid premises in or at the now dwelling house of the said
Dan Grimstone
called Howchins situate and being in the parish of Feeringe aforesaid and also upon condition that the said
Mary Brand
her heirs executors administrators or assigns shall pay all my debts whatsoever unto such several persons I now stand justly and truly indebted unto which doth amount in whole unto the full sum of 51li2s and also upon condition that the said
Mary Brand
my sister her heirs executors administrators or assigns shall pay unto
Susan Dines
Margt Ward
Mary Spooner
my three daughters the full sum of 10li apiece that is to say the full sum of 10li apiece to every one of them of good and lawful money of England within six months next ensuing after my death in or at the now dwelling house of the said
Mary Brand
called by the name of the
Tile Kell
situate and being in Earls Colne aforesaid and likewise also upon condition that the said
Mary Brand
my sister her heirs executors administrators or assigns shall pay unto
Edw Spooner
my eldest son the full sum of 50li of good and lawful money of England so soon as he shall attain to his full age of 21yr upon his lawful demand of the same and in like manner also upon condition that the said
Mary Brand
my sister her heirs executors administrators or assigns shall pay unto
Francis Spooner
my youngest son the full sum of 35li of good and lawful money of England so soon as he shall attain to his full age of 21yr upon his lawful demand of the same provided always notwithstanding and upon condition hereafter following that if the debts which I do now owe do amount to above the sum of 120li that then the residue of my said debts which shall so surmount above 120li shall be abated out of the legacy by me herein given and bequeathed unto my youngest son
Francis Spooner
and further I will and my true intent and meaning is that if it shall happen that either of my sons should happen to die and depart out of this life before he shall attain to his age of 21yr that then I will that the legacy of him so dying shall be paid unto the survivor or longest liver of them so soon as he shall attain to his full age of 21yr and lastly I will that if both my said sons should happen to die and depart out of this life before the shall attain their ages of 21yr that then I will that the legacies of them so dying shall be paid unto my said three daughters and to their heirs of their bodies lawfully begotten equally to be parted and divided between them and I do make and ordain my said loving sister
Mary Brand
to be my only sole executrix to this my last will and testament and I would entreat
Jn Meriton
Jn Keble
to be supervisors to this my last will and testament entreating them to be aiding and assisting unto my under named executrix in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day month and year above written sealed acknowledged published and declared to be his last will and testament in the presence of
Ralph Josselin
Wm Adams
Edm Potter
Jn Meriton
Jn Keable
Edw Spooner