in the name of god amen this
etc. I
Jn Bennit
of Earls Colne in the county of Essex husbandman being sick in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory thanks be to god for the same and knowing the uncertainty of this life on earth and that it is appointed for all men once to die and being desirous to settle things in order do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say first and principally I commend my soul to god that gave it and assuredly believing through the merits of jesus christ my redeemer I shall receive the same again at the general resurrection and my body I commit to the earth from whence it was taken to be buried by those whom I shall hereafter appoint and as touching such worldly goods as god in his mercy have blessed me with I give and dispose as followeth item I give and bequeath unto
Jn Bennitt
the son of
Jn Bennitt
late of Bocking in the county aforesaid my grandchild all that my messuage or tenement with the yard or backsides and one parcel or croft of land to the same belonging with all and singular the appurtenances as the same is situate lying and being in Bocking aforesaid to have and to hold the said messuage or tenement with all and singular the appurtenances unto him the said
his heirs and assigns forever upon this condition that the said
Jn Bennitt
his heirs executors and administrators do and shall yearly and every year pay or cause to be paid unto
Mary Bennitt
my loving wife the full and just sum of 20s a year upon the four usual feasts in the year viz upon the day commonly called lady day and midsummer day and michaelmas day and christmas day the first payment to be made and begun at or upon the first feast day of the said four as aforesaid that shall happen next after my decease during the term of the natural life of her the said
item I give and bequeath unto
Eliz Benett
sister of the said
Jn Bennitt
my grandchild the sum of 4li of lawful english money to be paid her by the said
Jn Bennitt
at her age of 21yr item I give and bequeath unto
Lidia Bennitt
one other of the sisters of the aforesaid
Jn Bennitt
my grandchild the full and just sum of 6li of lawful english money to be paid her by the said
Jn Bennitt
when she shall attain her age of 21yr but if the said
Jn Bennitt
his heirs executors or administrators do not or shall not pay or cause to be paid the several legacies or sums of money by me heretofore given according to the true intent and meaning hereof that then my will and mind is and that it shall and may be lawful for the said
my wife and
Eliz Bennitt
Lidia Bennitt
my grandchildren or any of them to enter into and upon the before demised premises by me given to the said
and the same to have hold and enjoy until they or any of them that shall be behind or unpaid until they or any of them shall be fully satisfied and paid according to the meaning hereof item I give and bequeath unto
Hen Bennitt
of Earls Colne in the county aforesaid husbandman my son all that my messuage or tenement with the yards and backsides and one croft of land thereunto belonging with all and singular the appurtenances as the same is situate and being in Earls Colne aforesaid and now in the occupation of him the said
to have and to hold the said messuage and croft of land with all and singular the appurtenances to the only use and behoof of the said
his heirs and assigns forever upon this express condition that he the said
Hen Bennitt
aforesaid his heirs executors or assigns shall pay or cause to be paid unto
Thos Bennitt
my son living in Chapple alias Pontsbright the full sum of 20s a year during the term of the natural life of him the said
to be paid him half yearly after my decease that is to say 10s every half year but if the said
Hen Bennitt
his heirs executors administrators do not or shall not pay the said 20s according to the meaning hereof that then and from thenceforth it shall and may be lawful for him the said
to enter into and upon the demised premises by me given to the said
and the same to hold and enjoy until the said sum or sums that shall be behind or unpaid be fully satisfied and paid according to the intent and meaning hereof item I give and bequeath unto
Mary Bennitt
my loving wife one joined bedsteadle whereon I now lie with a featherbed bolsters pillows blankets coverlet with all things thereunto belonging one joined chest standing at the bed feet two of the best pewter dishes a warming pan one wicker chair a little table a pair of cobirons with the firepan and tongs one wooden chair standing in the parlour one little kneading trough one pair of the best sheets besides that sheet that lieth on the bed and also I give unto
my said wife all that my barley corn lying and being in a certain barn of
Thos Osburne's
as it now lieth with the straw and chaff to dispose as she shall think fit and also the wheat that is sown in the croft belonging to the house where I now dwell and also one trammel and the barley that lieth in the barn at home where I dwell
Jn Bennitt(inserted)
item I give and bequeath unto
Hen Bennitt
of Earls Colne aforesaid my son all that my corn sown upon my croft of land being wheat he the said
defraying the charge of ploughing and feed also I give unto my son
a mattock and a scythe and all the rest of my working tools I desire my said wife to have the use of during her natural life and after her decease I give the rest of my said tools unto my son
aforesaid item I also give unto my son
aforesaid one half headed bedsteadle standing on the chamber with the featherbed and feather bolster two pillows and a coverlet and two blankets item I give and bequeath unto
Eliz Peartry
my granddaughter one joined chest standing in the parlour and one trunk standing in the chamber and the rest of my sheets napkins pillowberes and other linen I give to the said
Eliz Peartry
aforesaid and I do desire
my said wife shall take care of them for her that they may not be embezzled nor hindered of them item I give and bequeath unto
my loving wife the full and just sum of 10li of lawful english money which said sum of 10li is due and owing unto me from
Rich Bridge
of Earls Colne as appear by his bond and also 5li due and owing unto me from
Jn Dore
of Much Tey upon a bill and I do hereby nominate my well beloved friend
Robt Potter
of Earls Colne aforesaid sole executor of this my last will and testament not doubting his faithful performance of the same desiring him to see me decently buried in christian sepulchre according to my degree he paying himself for his charge and trouble with the money he hath of mine in his hands being 8li and if there be surplus I desire him to dispose of it to some or any of my relations as he shall see fit and convenient and I do hereby revoke and make void all other and former will or wills by me heretofore made ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament containing one sheet and a half of paper to which I have hereunto both the said sheets set my hand and seal the day and year first above written signed sealed published and declared to be the last will and testament of the said
Jn Bennitt
he in the presence of us and we in the presence of him
Sam Burton
Dan Leaper
Margt Rayner
Jn Bennitt