Wills (ERO D/ACW21/97 D/ACR10/334 Jn Josselin 1690 1690/1)

20.6.1690 (Friday 20 June 1690)

document 5100005

in the name of god amen I Jn Josselin of Earls Colne in the county of Essex gent being sick and weak in body but of sound and disposing mind and memory make this my last will and testament in manner following first and principally I commit and commend my soul into the hands of almighty god and as to my body I desire may be in decent and in christian burial buried as near my brother Thos as convenient can be by my executrix hereafter named item I give and bequeath unto Martha my loving wife and to her heirs forever all my freehold and copyhold messuages lands and tenements whatsoever and wheresoever holden of the manor or manors of Colne Pryory and Earls Colne upon this condition first that the said Martha my wife shall so soon as conveniently can be sell and convey some part and so much thereof and to such person and persons and their heirs forever as will buy the same for the paying and discharging my debts and deeds both upon mortgage and other ways which I now owe and am indebted and the remainder thereof after my debts paid and satisfied my will and mind is my wife shall have and receive the profits thereof during her life for the maintenance of herself and children and after the decease of the said Martha my wife my will and mind is that Ralph my son shall have the house wherein I now live and the remainder of my estate my will and mind is shall be by the said Martha my wife sold and the money arising on sale thereof my will and mind is shall be equally divided to and amongst my children share and share like at their several ages of 21yr and as to the rest of my estate both real and personal and now in my own possession I give to the said Martha my wife for and towards the bringing up of my children paying my debts and I do nominate and appoint the said Martha my wife sole executrix of this my will I do nominate and appoint my loving brother in law Jn Benall supervisor of this my will in witness whereof I the said Jn Josselin have hereunto put my hand and seal the 20.6.1690 signed sealed published and declared to be the last will and testament of the (sic) presence of us and we as witnesses subscribed our names in his presence of us Jn Cressener Geo Toller Lawrence Bentall