in the name of god amen I
Robt Potter
of Earls Colne in the county of Essex tallowchandler being sick and weak in body but of sound and perfect disposing mind and memory thanks be to god for the same and calling to remembrance the uncertain estate of this transitory life and that all flesh must yield unto death when it shall please god to call now settling of in my family after my decease do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner following first being penitent for all my sins past most humbly desire forgiveness of the same I give and commit my soul into the hands of almighty god my saviour and redeemer in whom and by the alone merits of jesus christ I trust and believe assuredly to be saved and have full remission of all my sins and that my soul with my body at the general day of resurrection shall rise and with joy and my body be buried in decent manner at the discretion of my executors hereafter named and for the settling of my temporal estate goods and chattels wherewith it hath pleased god to b
estow upon me I dispose thereof as followeth item I give and bequeath unto my eldest son
Robt Potter
and to his heirs forever all that my manor and farm house called Brumptons with all the houses out houses yards gardens lands meadows pastures feedings quitrents fines profits and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or therewith used lying and being in Colne Engaine in the said county he or they paying out of the same unto
my loving wife for the space of ten years next after my decease in case she shall so long live the yearly sum of 10li by half yearly payments my said loving wife giving sufficient discharge or discharges of all her right or title to all her dower or thirds of in or to all and every of my messuages lands and tenements and in case my said son
or his heirs shall refuse or neglect to pay unto my said loving wife the said sum of 10li per annum herein before given unto her or any part thereof then I will my said wife shall or lawfully may from time to time enter into and upon my said manor lands tenements and premises herein before given unto my said son
and retrieve the rents issues and profits thereof until the said yearly sum of 10li and all arrears thereof if any shall be and all charges for the recovery thereof shall be fully satisfied and paid item I give and bequeath unto my grandson
Rich Potter
the son of my son
Rich Potter
and to his heirs forever all that my copyhold messuage wherein I now dwell with another tenement thereunto adjoining now called the
Weighing House
with all the houses outhouses yards gardens orchards backsides and appurtenances to the said messuage or premises belonging or used together with the orchard being freehold thereunto adjoining upon the condition that the said
Rich Potter
my grandchild and his heirs shall immediately pay the sum of 100li of lawful money of England for and towards the payment of my debts and also well and truly paying or causing to be paid unto my son
Isaac Potter
the full sum of 50li of lawful money of England in manner following that is to say 25li part thereof within one year next after my decease and 25li residue thereof within two years after my decease and if it shall happen the said
Rich Potter
my grandson shall neglect or refuse to pay the said 50li to my said son
Isaac Potter
according to this my said will that then and in such case happening it shall be lawful for the said
Isaac Potter
to enter into and upon all the messuages and premises both freehold and copyhold hereby given to the said
Rich Potter
my grandson and the same to hold and enjoy and the rents and profits thereof to take and receive to his own use until he shall be fully satisfied and paid the said 50li and the arrears thereof and all lawful charges item my will and mind is that the said
my grandson shall buy all my shop goods and household goods as the same shall be apprised and the money arising thereof shall go to wards the payment of my shop's debts and the residue thereof I give to my son
Jas Potter
to be paid him within some convenient time after my death item I give unto my daughter
Susan Measner
my daughter
Margt Pratt
my daughter
Mary Dryver
and to each of them the sum of 20li of lawful money of England to be paid unto them by my executors hereunder named within three months after my decease item my will and mind is that all my goods shall be sold and the money to go and be for the payment of my debts and legacies the same to be apprised immediately after my death and I do nominate and appoint my sons
Robt Potter
Rich Potter
executors of this my will
item I give unto the said
my loving wife all such goods and chattels whatsoever which she brought unto me with free liberty for her to take away and enjoy the same at her pleasure without the let of my executors above named
or any other person whatsoever in witness whereof I the said
Robt Potter
have hereunto put my hand and seal this
sealed and delivered in the presence of us
Thos Toller
Simon Overall
Roger Root
Robt Potter
(signature very shaky)