memorandum that I
Hen Adams
of Abberton in the county of Essex yeoman being infirm in body but of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding blessed be god for the same do make my last will and testament as follows revoking all former wills by me made and as to and concerning my worldly estate both real and personal I dispose thereof as follows viz imprimis I give and devise to
my loving wife for and during the term of her natural life all my copyhold farm called by the name of Mayes situate lying and being in Clackton Magna and Clackton Parva in the said county of Essex and holden of the said manors and I also give unto her for and during the term of her natural life all that parcel of land called Fann Land lying and being in Great Clackton and holden of the said manor and also one parcel of freehold land called Burrs Fenn adjoining to the said Fann Land containing 1a1r20p which said premises now are in the occupation of
Wm Parker
or his assigns my said wife doing nor suffering to be done any waste of the wood or timber growing upon the said premises and from and after her decease the abovesaid farm and lands with the appurtenances unto my son
Jn Adams
his heirs and assigns forever my said son
Jn Adams
or his heirs paying out of the said lands and premises unto my daughter
Mary Adams
140li within one year next after the decease of my said wife and my will and meaning is that in case my said son
Jn Adams
or his heirs shall neglect or refuse to pay the said 140li to my said daughter
that then it shall and may be lawful for her the said
to enter into and upon the said lands and premises and the same to hold and enjoy and the rents issues and profits thereof to receive and take until the sum of 140li shall be fully paid and satisfied and in case my said daughter shall happen to depart this life before her said legacy becomes due then I give the said 140li to my said son
Jn Adams
item I give and devise unto my said son
Jn Adams
and his heirs my copyhold tenement with the appurtenances called
the Taverne
situate in Earls Colne and holden of the said manor now in the occupation of
Jane Payne
widow and also my freehold tenement adjoining with the appurtenances and now in the occupation of
Thos Garrard
or his assigns item I give and bequeath to my eldest son
Hen Adams
and his heirs forever all that my freehold messuage or tenement situate in Earls Colne aforesaid and lately in the tenures of
Jn Alston
the widow
and the widow
which I purchased of
Jn Sparrow
item I give and bequeath to my said son
Hen Adams
and to his heirs and assigns forever my copyhold lands and tenements holden of the manor of Colne Pryory called
Priest Land
Dagnall Hill
containing by estimation about 24a item I give and bequeath to my son
Wm Adams
the sum of 20li to be paid him at his age of 21yr item I give and bequeath to my wife the use of my best bed with the bedstead pillows bolster curtains and appurtenances and it now stands for and during her natural life and after her decease I give the same to my daughter
Mary Adams
and to her assigns and whereas I have reason to believe that my wife is now with child my will is that such child whether it be son or daughter shall have and receive the sum of 100li out of my personal estate to be paid to such child at his or her age of 21yr and in case such child shall happen to die before it shall attain his or her age of 21yr then I give the said 100li to my three children
Mary Adams
item all the rest and residue of my goods chattels rents ready money household goods and personal estate whatsoever and wheresoever after full payment of my debts legacies and funeral charges the probate of my will and all other charges incident thereunto I give and bequeath to my said three children
Jn Adams
Wm Adams
Mary Adams
and such child as my wife is now big withal to be equally divided among them at their several and respective ages of 21yr and in case either or any of them die before they attain the said age of 21yr then my will is that the part or share of him her or them so dying shall go to be divided amongst the survivors or survivor of them and my will is that the profits of my lease and stock shall in the meantime be laid out and applied towards the maintenance of my said children and such child as my wife is now big withal item I do hereby constitute and appoint my said loving wife
Mary Adams
and my son
Hen Adams
to be executors of this my will and my will is and I do hereby order that in case my said wife shall marry again that then such person as she shall marry shall before such marriage give good security to my father in law
Thos Clarke
of Burnham in the county of Essex and
Wm Clarke
his son to pay such part of my personal estate as shall come to her hands for the use of my said children
to my said children pursuant to this my will(inserted)
but in case such security be not given as is aforesaid I do discharge my said wife from the said executorship and my will is and I do hereby order that my said son
Hen Adams
shall take my whole personal estate into his hands and employ the same for the benefit of my said children as is aforesaid he being allowed thereout what is reasonable for his trouble herein item I give my son
Hen Adams
my book called the gospel truth demonstrated by George Fox in witness whereof I the said
Hen Adams
to this my will contained in two sheets of paper have to each sheet thereof set my hand and seal this
Hen Adams
signed sealed published and declared by the said
Hen Adams
to be his will and testament in our presence and we subscribed our names as witnesses hereunto in the presence of the said testator
Thos Brabe
Mary Lewis
Jn Eldred