Wills (ERO D/ABR22/482 Sarah Cakebread 1742)

4.4.1742 (Sunday 4 April 1742)

document 6001291

memorandum I Sarah Cakebread of Earls Colne in the county of Essex spinster do publish and declare this present writing to be my last will and testament revoking all other wills and testaments formerly by me made as to what it have pleased god to bestow upon me or bless me with in this world being of a sound mind and memory thanks be given to god for the same I give and bequeath as followeth first I give and bequeath to my brother Jn Cakebread the sum of 10li to be paid to him by my executors or supervisor hereafter named within six months after my decease unto my brother Edw Mead's two daughters as followeth Ann Pond the wife of Joseph Pond and Rebecca Mead the sum of 5li also to my kinswoman Rebecca the wife of Edw Fincham t he sum of 20li and also my best gown best stays and best quilted petticoat I also give to Simon Brown the son of Simon Brown of Halstead the sum of 5li and my clock also to Eliz Gooding daughter of Thos Gooding I give the sum of 5li and my chest of drawers I also give to Thos Gooding the son of Thos Gooding the sum of 10li and if it should so happen that any of my eight legatees shall depart this life within six months after my decease then my mind and will is that their legacies shall be equally divided betwixt those legatees that are survivors all the rest of my personal estate wheresoever or whatsoever either in my own possession or elsewhere I give to my brother in law Thos Gooding of Braintree and his wife I nominate Thos Gooding my brother to be my executor and his wife to be executrix desiring that they would see my just debts paid and my legatees also within six months after my decease and bestow upon me a decent and plain burial and lastly I do publish and declare this present writing to be my last will and testament being 4.4.1742 mark Sarah Cakebread signed sealed published and declared to be the last will and testament of the testator we being in her presence and she in ours Jos Bott sen Thos Brewster Jos Bott jun