Wills (ERO D/ACW29LONG D/ACR15/154 Mary Long 1742 1743)

20.6.1742 (Sunday 20 June 1742)

document 6001421

the last will and testament of me Mary Long of Earls Colne in the county of Essex widow as follows first I give and bequeath to my younger children that is to say Jn Edw and Archilaus the sum of 25li apiece to be paid by my executors herein after named as they shall respectively attain to the age of 14yrs for the putting them out to trades and clothing them and what shall be to spare of the said legacies my will and mind is shall remain in my executors hands and be paid by them to my said children respectively as they shall have occasion at the discretion of my said executors and also after the payment of my just debts the aforesaid legacies my funeral charges and the charge of the probate of this my will I give and bequeath all my ready monies bills bonds and other securities for monies and all my personal estate whatsoever and wheresoever to my eldest son Wm Long but my will and mind is that my said son Wm shall thereout bring up and maintain all my said younger children Jn Edw and Archilaus with all necessaries whatsoever until then shall severally attain to their respective ages of 14yrs and be put out apprentices as aforesaid to some trades and my will and mind is that my said younger children Jn Edw and Archilaus shall each of them have a silver spoon a feather bed with the blankets and a quilt to be delivered by my executors and I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my friend mr Wm Bentall of Stansted Hall in Halstead and my said son Wm Long executors of this my will in witness whereof I the said Mary Long have hereunto set my hand and seal this 20.6.1742 Mary Long signed sealed published and declared by the said Mary Long to be her last will and testament in the presence of us Thos Arnall Wm Carter