Wills (ERO D/ACR 18/35 Thos Hales sen 1777 1778)

17.10.1777 (Friday 17 October 1777)

document 93000290

in the name of god amen I Thos Hales the elder of the parish of Earls Colne in the county of Essex yeoman being weak in body yet through the blessing of almighty god of sound memory and understanding do make and constitute my last will and testament and desire it may be received as such first I give and bequeath unto my son Thos Hales the sum of 1s of lawful money of Great Britain to be paid to him one month after my decease I also give and bequeath to my son Sam Hales my largest brewing kettle I also give my jack and spit to my son Stebbing Hales I also give to my daughter Eliz Winwright widow my largest washing kettle I also give and desire that my daughter Ann Hales shall and may take into her possession all her household goods which are her own and remaining in my dwelling house at the item of my decease and I give to my said daughter Ann Hales my flock bed with all the furniture thereto belonging and also the nest of drawers bellows and warming pan and my desire is that all my pewter shall be equally divided between my sons and daughters Sam Stebbing Eliz and Ann but in case my daughter Ann should depart this life before my decease in such case my will and meaning is that Ann the daughter of my said daughter Ann Hales shall take and enjoy as her own right all and every the articles goods and chattels which I have devised to my said daughter Ann Hales I also give and bequeath all and every my household goods and chattels except before bequeathed wheresoever and whatsoever to be equally divided between my sons Sam and Stebbing and daughters Eliz and Ann to have share and share alike and in case they cannot agree in dividing them I do give my executors full liberty and power to have the said household goods appraised and sold and the money from such sale arising I do give to be equally divided between my said sons Sam and Stebbing and daughters Eliz and Ann and whatever money or monies remaining my property wheresoever and whatsoever at the time of my decease I give to be equally divided between my said sons Sam and Stebbing and my daughters Eliz and Ann and my will and meaning is that they shall have share and share alike I do also appoint my said son Sam Hales to be my executor and my said daughter Ann Hales to be my executrix of this my last will and testament revoking all other wills by me made declaring this to be my last in witness whereof I the said Thos Hales the elder have hereunto set my hand and seal the 17.10.1777 mark Thos Hales the elder published and declared by the above testator to be his last will and testament in the presence of us who have hereunto set our hands and seals as witnesses Jas Wendon Wm Beauchamp