in the name of god amen I
Sarah May
of the parish of Earls Colne in the county of Essex widow, being sound in mind memory and understanding, but weak in body do make and publish this my will and testament in manner and form following, that is to say, first my will and desire is that my copyhold estate wherein I now do dwell together with the shop yards gardens and other appurtenances thereunto belonging situate and being in the parish of Earls Colne aforesaid and which I hold of the manor of Colne Priory by copy of court roll shall be sold as soon as conveniently may be after my decease and I do hereby authorise empower and direct my executors hereinafter named to sell and dispose of the same either by public auction or private sale which to them may seem most profitable and the money arising from the sale thereof after paying off the mortgage which is upon the said premises and the expenses attending such sale or sales thereof my will and desire is shall be equally divided between all my children share and share al
ike to them their heirs and assigns absolutely and for ever and my will and desire is that the purchaser or purchasers of my said copyhold estate shall not be accountable for the nonapplication or misapplication of the purchase money thereof but that the receipt of my executors hereinafter named shall be a full and sufficient discharge for the same also I give and bequeath unto my son
all my stock in trade together with all the tools bellows forges and all other implements used in carrying on my trade of a blacksmith to him his heirs and assigns absolutely and for ever also I give unto my executors hereinafter named all my household furniture money securities for money and other effects of what nature kind or quality soever the same may be which I may be possessed of at the time of my decease upon trust and confidence nevertheless and to the intent and purpose that they or the survivor of them or the executor or adminstrator of such survivor do as conveniently may be after my decease sell and dispose of the same or as much of them as are in their nature saleable and after deducting the expenses attending such sale or sales together with the payment of my just debts funeral and testamentary expenses my will and desire is that the money arising therefrom shall be equally divided between all my children share and share alike to them their heirs or assigns absolute
ly and for ever and I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my son
and mr
Wm Tawell
of Earls Colne aforsaid joint executors of this my last will and testament and my will and desire is that my executors shall not be accountable for the act deeds and receipts of the other but each for his own act deed and receipt only, and hereby revoking all former will or wills by me at any time heretofore made do declare this to be my last will and testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this
Sarah May
signed sealed published and declared by the said testatrix in our presence who at her request in her presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnessed
Harry Woolman
Jn Ardley Woolman
Isaac Woolman