Rental of the Manors of Earls Colne and Colne Priory (ERO D/DPr118)

1854 (1854)

document 80000500

Free deed of the priory - rent 1s Jn Goodall Lay Holds by free deed of the manor of Colne Priory two fields called Great Sloe alias Slough Field and Little Sloe alias Slough Field lying in the parishes of Earls Colne and Great Tey - One head of Great Slough Field abuts upon the homestead of Debenhams Farm - Free tenure has not of late been acknowledged on the rolls - It was sold (with a farm called Lamberts) by Jacob Pattison to Jn Wood - afterwards bought by Jn Pitstow and sold by his assignees to Jn Goodall Lay . In particulars of sale printed 1804 the free rent is mentioned as 3s but by divers old rentals of the manor it appears to be only 1s - and it continues to be charged to mr J.G. Lay 1854

Rental 1751 in possession of Phil Lugar

By mr Cole's map 1794 - Little Sloe or Slough Field contains 3a20p. By the Commutation map no. 177 (177) - it is 3a1r20p - the whole of which is in the parish of Earls Colne - Great Slough Field abutting upon Debenhams Homestead contains in the whole 10a12p part whereof no. 176 (176) containing 1a1r26p is in the parish of Earls Colne - the residue in Great Tey

See an arrangement as to parish boundaries between the two parishes in my book of the perambulation of Earls Colne 1809 H.H.C.