Quarter Sessions Rolls (ERO Q/SR608)

7.10.1726 (Friday 7 October 1726)

document 20700415

Isaac Dines of White Colne in the county of Essex farmer bound in 20li Read Grimston in the county aforesaid bound in 10li to be levied on his goods and chattels etc to the use of the king if the said Isaac fail in the conditions under written the condition of this recognisance is such that if the above bounden Isaac Dines do and shall appear at the next general quarter sessions of the peace to be holden for the county aforesaid then and there answer such matters of misdemeanours on his master's behalf shall be objected against him especially for assaulting Mary the wife of Jn Davie and not depart the court without licence then this recognisance to be void taken 7.10.1726 before me A Vievar