Earls Colne and Colne Priory rental (ERO D/DPr113)

19.3.1678 (Tuesday 19 March 1678)

document 22500041

Abbutt Hen holdeth by free deed three parcels of land belonging to The Hayhouse called Cotcroft (428a) The Marsh (428b) and Longland (423) about 13a or 14a by fealty only the same holdeth The Hayhouse and certain lands thereunto belonging by copy and the yearly rent of 1li6s3d (428) (429) (430) (443) (442) (435) (434) (433) (431) (417) (424) (411) (423b) (414) (415) (416) (416a) (416b) (533) (534a) (428) (429) Abigail Johnson (inserted)