Day Jas holds by copy The Waterhouse and yard sometime Smith's the tanner after Baker's and now in the occupation of Jn Halls rent 1s (1009a) the same holds by copy a croft containing 4a called Spilwaters late Baker's rent 3s (1016) (1015) the same holds by copy a messuage and backsides called Morses late Baker's in the occupation of Jn Halls (114) 2d1h the same holds by copy part of the well yard called Clarks (114a) formerly Rich Ward's rent 6d the same holds by copy certain lands called Agnes Bridges late Ward's rent 3s8d (1012a) (1014) the same holds by copy more of Ward's late parcel of Kings Garden rent 3s8d (117) (118) (1013) the same holds a messuage called Shawes with a garden late Ward's copyhold rent 6d (116) the same holdeth by copy an orchard called Kings Garden late King's rent 2s4d (1012) G Toller Geo Angier (inserted)