item the prior holdeth three crofts of land sometime a tenement now arable land called Stonwyns one of which lieth in length between the land of Rich Tyler called Sawers of the one part and the land of the manor of the lord earl called Heyhouse of the other part and one head abutteth upon the marlpit and the other upon The Heyhouse land (no sum) the second croft lyeth between the land of Jn Clerke of the one part and Jn Turnor's land of the other part and the one head abutteth the Hayhouse land aforesaid and the other upon the prior's land called Preslond (no sum) the third croft lieth in length between the way called the Medelane of the one part and Andrew Adam's land of the other part and one head abutteth upon Tredgolds Land and the other upon Andrew Adam's pasture and were wont to rent 2s