Abraham Bridge did take to him and to his heirs by copy by virtue of the surrender of Edm Potter the moiety of a cottage with a curtilage called Copes late of Rich Prentise lying between the messuage sometime of Steven Myller on the one part and to the garden late of Jn Wright on the other part one head thereof abutting upon the highway leading from Earls Colne aforesaid towards Colchester and the reversion of the other moiety of the same cottage and curtilage likewise called Copes lying at Colford Hill between the messuage sometime of the said Steven Myller of the one part and to the garden late of Jn Wright on the other part one head thereof abutting on the said highway when it shall happen by and after the death of Agnes wife of Thos Man and one parcel of land sometime parcel of the waste soil of this manor lying at Colford Hill aforesaid upon parcel whereof one Wm Swattocke did build one swinesty containing in length 13ft and in breadth 12ft the said swinesty excepted by fealty suit of court and the yearly rent of yearly payable as is aforesaid as appeareth in the court rolls of the 12Eliz1 and 29Eliz1 etc and elsewhere in old court rolls and rentals of this manor and also one tenement sometime of Thos Almotte gentleman and before of Wm Swattock by fealty suit of court and the yearly rent of 6d payable as is aforesaid