Hen Hyne of Earls Colne together with Jn Reneshale of Sudbury Jn Turnor of Earls Colne and Jeff Clerke of the same gave granted and by their deed bearing date 4.3.9Rich2 confirmed to Jn Kebbill of Marshall the elder two pieces of land lying in Earls Colne whereof one piece lieth between the way leading to the church of Colne and the manor of the lord the Earl of the other part and abutteth at the one head upon the tenement of Jn Atte Sloo chaplain and at the other head upon Berecroft Lane together with 1d of yearly rent to be taken yearly of the said Jn Atte Sloo chaplain for one wall of the said Jn and the other piece lieth between the said way leading to the church of Colne of the one part and the highway leading from the market of Colne towards Colchester of the other part and it contains in length 2p of both sides and it abutteth at one head upon the cottage sometime Wm Trotts and at the other head upon the tenement sometime Roger Bonyle and it contains in breadth at either head 20f to hold to him his heirs and assigns of the said Hen Hyne etc and their heirs and assigns by the rent of 8d by the year