Gilberts Tenement Rental (ERO D/DPr59)

7.4.13Rich2 (Thursday 7 April 1390)

document 44501017

Hen Hyne and others by their deed bearing date the 7.4.13Rich2 sold unto Jn Passemer carpenter one parcel of a garden lying in Colne between the garden of the said Hen of the one part and the messuage of the said Jn Passemer of the other part one head abutteth upon the messuage of Robt Mille chaplain and the other upon the barn of the said Hen except the land under the evesdropping of the said barn and liberty to set their ladders there upon the said garden plot for the mending of his barn and houses to hold to him and his heirs and assigns of the chief lord of the fee and of the said Hen and others etc by the rent of 8d by the year Passemer sold the same to Jn Mille and Jn Cooke 2Hen6 to hold of the chief lord of the fee by the rents and service s due and of right accustomed the same Jn and Jn sold the same to Jn     and Jn Tiler the 4Hen6 the tenure to be from the chief lord etc as before the same sold to Walt Skotte in 25Hen6 the tenure as before