whereas at a view with court here held monday being 20.4.1601 Edith Peirson wife of Jn Peirson was admitted tenant of the lord by the surrender of Jn Greene for her lifetime to one piece of land or marsh containing by estimation 1a lying between the river there on one part and a certain lane called Persemellane on the other part as it is clearly divided and shown by the metes and bounds and after the decease of the said Edith Peirson the remainder thereof to Joan Peirson Mary Peirson Kath Peirson Rose Peirson and Ann Peirson daughters of the said Jn Peirson and Edith their heirs and assigns forever as by a roll of this court here brought into court it is clearly shown and appears now at this court it is shown by the homage that the said Edith after the last court and before this court died seised of such estate and that Joan Peirson Mary Peirson Kath Peirson Rose Peirson (Ann not mentioned) sought admittance to the premises to whom the lord by his said steward granted thereof seisin to them to have for themselves and their heirs to hold from the lord by the rod at the will of the lord according to the custom of the manor by the rents and services thereunto belonging and by right accustomed and they gave to the lord their fine as is shown in the margin and were admitted thereof tenants their fealty however was respited until they should reach full age