whereas at a court here held friday being 18.8.1581 Jn Wade and Polonia at that time his wife now deceased took for themselves and their heirs from the lord by the rod etc one parcel of land containing by estimation 1a as is shown by the metes and bounds lying next to the king's highway leading from Earls Colne towards Coggeshall a parcel of three crofts of land with appurtenances containing by estimation 10a of land parcel of a certain field called Boomefields lying on the south part of the same said field as etc and also at a court here held monday being 4.4. (regnal year not given) the aforesaid Jn Wade took for himself and his assigns for his lifetime the remainder thereof after his decease to Jn Wade son of the said Jn and his heirs forever the remainder of the said three crofts of land with appurtenances now also enclosed as three crofts containing by estimation 8a more or less as in a roll of the said court it was clearly shown now it is shown by the said homage that the aforesaid Jn Wade the father out of this court and after the last court surrendered into the hands of the lord by the hands of Edw Grigges instead of the bailiff in the presence of Jn Cutler and Jn Buntinge customary tenants of this manor the same testifying according to the custom of the same manor both the aforesaid parcel of land containing by estimation 1a of land parcel of the said three crofts of land and the aforesaid remainder of the said three crofts of land containing by estimation 8a of land with appurtenances parcel of the said field called Bomefields to the use and behoof of the aforesaid Jn Wade the son his heirs and assigns forever upon the condition that if the aforesaid Jn Wade the son his heirs executors or assigns or any of them should pay or cause to be paid to the aforesaid Jn Wade the father his executors or assigns the sum of 20li of good and legal english money in the south porch of the parish church of Earls Colne upon the feast of michaelmas now next following after the title of this court and another 20li of agreed legal money of England in the aforesaid place in or upon the feast of all saints following after the same and let it be known should pay or cause to be paid to Mary Wade and Alice Wade daughters of the said Jn Wade the father their executors or assigns the sum of 40s in the said place in or upon the feast of michaelmas that shall be in .9.1608 namely the sum of 20s to each of them and further should pay or cause to be paid to the aforesaid Jn Wade the father or Etheldred his wife their executors or assigns or either of them the sum of 5li of agreed legal money of England in the said place in or upon the feast of michaelmas .9.1611 to the use of Dan Wade the son of the said Jn Wade the father or his assigns then the said surrender should remain in all its force with effect otherwise it should be void and of no force who the same said Jn Wade the son present here in court sought admittance from the lord to the said premises with appurtenances upon the said conditions to whom the lord by his said steward granted thereof seisin to have to the same said Jn Wade the son his heirs and assigns upon the aforesaid conditions to hold from the lord by the rod at the will of the lord according to the custom of the said manor by the rents and services thereunto belonging and by right accustomed and he gave to the lord his fine as is shown in the margin and made fealty to the lord and was admitted thereof tenant of the lord upon the aforesaid conditions and afterwards this present court sitting came the aforesaid Jn Wade the son and in full court surrendered the aforesaid premises with appurtenances into the hands of the lord by the hands of his steward to the use and behoof of Jn Bruce his heirs and assigns forever upon the condition that the aforesaid Jn Bruce his heirs executors or assigns should pay or cause to be paid to the aforesaid Jn Wade the father Mary Wade Alice Wade and Dan Wade all the separate sums of money to the same said people previously mentioned and in the place and in the manner and form previously stated who the same said Jn Bruce present here in court sought admittance from the lord to the aforesaid premises with appurtenances according to the form and effect of the aforesaid surrenders and conditions to whom the lord by his said steward granted and by the rod freely gave seisin thereof to have to him the same said Jn Bruce his heirs and assigns upon the aforesaid conditions to hold from the lord by the rod at the will of the lord according to the custom of the said manor by the rents and services thereunto belonging and by right accustomed and he gave to the lord his fine as is shown in the margin and made fealty to the lord and was admitted thereof tenant of the lord upon the conditions